Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

can some1pls post a mityvac pic

can some1pls post a mityvac pic

mityvac make a wet ,dry pump,i just needed a pic pls ,i live in australia ,so maybe i can purchase a similiar product,thanks

I’m new to the pumping, but from what I understand these are the Mityvac pumps that folks are talking about. There’s a few on the page and the brake bleeding kit looks like the ones I’ve seen advetised for use for wet pumping.

I checked at Auto Zone last night and they are $25.99 for the Mityvac II brake bleeding kit.

Good luck! :)

ahha so thats the one

Thanks Mr.Bulge,i was unsure of what one the guys used,i wanted to incorporate some dual wet,dry pumping so the the brake bleeder would be the one,i should be able to buy one in australia or at least a generic.,now i know what im looking for.Thanks

Any Brake-bleeding Pump


Mr. Bulge is exactly right! The MityVacII, which I use (and also bought at Auto Zone for under $25 U.S.), is a vacuum brake-bleeding kit. The catch-cup (provided with kit) is to catch the brake fluid, so that it does not enter the pump. That same cup can catch the excess warm water from your cylinder while hydro pumping your penis. I like the MityVacII (plastic) because it is light weight and durable.

Technically, any pump can be retrofitted with a catch-cup in the line between cylinder and pump to make a hydro pump. You can wet pump or dry pump with that set-up without changing anything except whether you use water or not. Try it both ways and see what works best for you.

Good luck!


I won’t be content until I’ve earned the name!

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