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Can you pump your testicles with the bathmate?


Can you pump your testicles with the bathmate?

Anyone done this or know if you can? I also wondered if there is a way to jelq the testicles without stretching the scrotum.

If you can fit everything in there you can try, but be careful because it looks to me as though those folds in the pump sleeve might give you a pinch! Only one way to find out though. :)

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

I D.I.Y’d up a bigass jar into a pump thing many years ago to fit the whole package in but I’m not sure it’s wise to have your package crammed into a smaller space - give them room to grow! :)

I don’t wanna risk anything. I’ve never pumped before. I was thinking i could stick just my balls in it to do this. Am I wrong? Also anyone know a way to jelq the testicles without stretching the scrotum or making it hang lower? If I could put everything in at once I suppose I could buy the bigger model for that. I haven’t seen it up close so I don’t know anything about the pump sleeves.

Why on Earth would you want to “Jelq the testicles”? Jelqing is a penis enlargement exercise, not a ball enlarging one.

Why on Earth would you pump with the testicles inside ? I haven’t found a reason yet. Maybe some vets could help me understand this.

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"

Originally Posted by alin
Why on Earth would you pump with the testicles inside ? I haven’t found a reason yet. Maybe some vets could help me understand this.

I can think of two reasons:

1) Specific ball enlargement. Check out some ball pumping sites. Those crazy guys get their’s to the size of grapefruit (each!). I suppose there’s some appeal for specific types of people as a sexual fetish kind of thing. But to achieve an appreciable size you’d need some kind of jar, not regular cylinder.

2) Pumping with the balls inside means that the cylinder won’t potentially squash them, being on the outside. Perhaps this is more comfortable for some. Personally there’s no way I can fit my balls in there with dick simultaneously, and the kinds of pressure I could withstand with balls would mean my wang wouldn’t get anywhere near as much of a stretch.

Originally Posted by secjay
I can think of two reasons:

1) Specific ball enlargement. Check out some ball pumping sites. Those crazy guys get their’s to the size of grapefruit (each!). I suppose there’s some appeal for specific types of people as a sexual fetish kind of thing. But to achieve an appreciable size you’d need some kind of jar, not regular cylinder.

2) Pumping with the balls inside means that the cylinder won’t potentially squash them, being on the outside. Perhaps this is more comfortable for some. Personally there’s no way I can fit my balls in there with dick simultaneously, and the kinds of pressure I could withstand with balls would mean my wang wouldn’t get anywhere near as much of a stretch.

What do you think happens internally when you pump your balls ?

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"

According to most ball pumpers, you are forcing in additional lymph and other fluids into your scrotum which causes your scrotum to enlarge and hang lower. Your testicals; however, do not enlarge permanently. The enlarged scrotum can last for several days. Grapefruit balls, or larger, usually require the injection of saline solution. If you want to know more about ball pumping and see pictures, you can go to

Personally my balls won’t fit in my BM. Just be careful man

Starting stats: 7" EL x 5" EG Current stats: 7.1" EL x 5.125" EG Goal : 7.5" x 5.75"

Originally Posted by dtwarren1942
According to most ball pumpers, you are forcing in additional lymph and other fluids into your scrotum which causes your scrotum to enlarge and hang lower. Your testicals; however, do not enlarge permanently. The enlarged scrotum can last for several days. Grapefruit balls, or larger, usually require the injection of saline solution. If you want to know more about ball pumping and see pictures, you can go to

Ok, I got the “aesthetics part ” :) , but can’t you damage your testicles(testosterone producing machine) ?

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"

I hear this can be done with the bigger bathmate size (the goliath). Some guys can get their whole package inside the thing. I hear this can be relaxing or enjoyable.

Do people even know what kind of tissue balls are made of? They’re not enlargeable. Why would anyone expose their testicles to excessive vacuum for prolonged amount of time is beyond me. Don’t mess with the family jewels, man…

Originally Posted by spilldashashew
Also anyone know a way to jelq the testicles without stretching the scrotum or making it hang lower?

Wow. Just… Wow.

Try jelqing your shins, maybe your height increases an inch or two. No, wait, try jelqing your biceps, maybe they grow too!

Originally Posted by UpTo7
Do people even know what kind of tissue balls are made of? They’re not enlargeable. Why would anyone expose their testicles to excessive vacuum for prolonged amount of time is beyond me. Don’t mess with the family jewels, man…

Yes they are, temporarily though. I know from experience. Your balls actually do swell up, get much bigger and harder. I’ve personally pumped them to about the size of large eggs! It’s not something I do regularly, just once or twice in my teen years as an experiment.

Two reasons I didn’t continue to do it: 1) It’s only temporary and takes hours to achieve so the reward is not really that worth the effort, unless you’re going out to bang some chick who specifically gets off on huge balls (my fiance likes them big and has seen them that way once or so, but discourages me from pumping them for reason 2) and 2) As you say: “Don’t mess with the family jewels!” It isn’t something I want to risk damaging. Perhaps I’ll take it up as a hobby once I’ve had my fill of kids :)

As I say, you can quite happily get to about the size of large eggs with pure vacuum alone, no saline necessary. I don’t know what the limit is on that, though, before you have to go saline because that’s as far as I ever went. I did see this guy’s site once where he claimed grapefruit sizes from basically a whole day of pumping, no saline. Those things were crazy! It was like he had elephantitis or something, but it wasn’t the sack that was swollen, it was the testicles.

You can hit concrete with your knee and it will enlarge. :) But doesn’t mean it’s healthy or permanent. So why enlarge something that will most definitely return back to normal when there’s risk of damaging something so important? We’re not talking only about kids, we’re talking about testosterone as well.

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