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Clarification on packing the pump please.

Clarification on packing the pump please.

When you pack the pump do you get an erection to pack it? Or do you pump it up, let it subside, put it in thicker and eventually you’re packing it with a soft erection?

I noticed when fully erect and pumping it is bigger once pulled out of the pump, but when it starts to get soft it seems easier to pack until i’m at full erection again. So the question is, is it best to keep coming out of the pump let you erection go away and pack with a softer erection, so your rinsing and repeating until your fully packed?

When researching pumping I found an insanely unsafe pumping blog. It was literally gross, but there was a man on there who could eventually pack his cylinder 3 inches past his BPEL. Now I would not attempt that type of unsafe pumping, but surely pumping that far past your original length would yield some massive gains, “pretending its not unsafe”.

So even though I am well conditioned over the past 3 years with stretching, ADS, hanging and a few short stints of pumping, I would like to eventually be able to pump past my BPEL, but first I need to know the exacts directions on how you pumping vets accomplish this.

With my girth I use to pump in a 1.50 cylinder but I could not get length expansion. I would assume I needed to rinse and repeat until a soft erection would be pulled length wise? Please clarify. Thank you!

Starting Stats: BPEL = 5.875, EG = 4.375 <> Current Stats: BPEL = 7.25, EG = 4.6

I pack my tube every time I pump and can never keep an erection while pumping.
I am about 5.5” erect girth and use a 1.75” dia tube. I pump to stretch length so that necessitates packing the tube.
Using a narrower tube that is slightly larger than your normal erect girth is good for packing.
If you use a wider tube you just encourage more fluid buildup, which is what you are seeing on the freak blogs.

I started out at 4.75” girth and with a 2 1/4” dia tube. I tried packing it right away and had a fat, puffy, useless dick.
It took a couple days for the fluid to wear off. I don’t do that anymore.

With your girth you should be ok using a 1.5” tube, or maybe 1.75”.
You don’t need to be erect to pack the tube. I think it is more difficult to pack while erect.
I do just fine going in with a semi and gradually working it up.
I can pump past my bpel while soft. Being soft allows your dick to stretch more easily.

So, yes you are correct to cycle the vacuum and exit the tube on a regular basis. Not so much because you need to let your erection go down, but to permit fresh blood circulation.
I go in and pump up to 8 - 10 hg for 10 or 20 sec. Then release the vacuum. Then pump up again. I keep cycling like that until I start expanding.
Once I get up to near max pump I let it sit for 5 mins at a reasonable vacuum 5 or 8 hg. Let it out and massage to erection.
I like to stroke out an erection with a cock ring on to get maximum expansion. Then when I go back into the tube it is easy to repack.

It’s easiest to reach max expansion if you go in with an erection, but like I said, I find it difficult to keep it and I think it is better to let it go soft in the tube.
What I like to do is work to reach max expansion and pack the tube, then get an erection in the tube. I do that by quickly cycling the pressure up and down and sometimes looking at porn.
Once I am hard, I can release the vacuum and since the tube is firmly packed I hardly loose any of my expansion.
When I come out of the tube I have a longer, thicker erection. Then I stroke and edge it to a rock hard boner.
It’s a great way to enhance your EQ and encourage natural expansion.
I recommend doing that before an intense sex session.

Keep in mind, pumping is more effective for girth than length, at least in the short term. I gained about .75” in girth , while only 1/2” in length, and I did hanging in addition.
I think the penis expands more easily in girth than length. My bp erect length is about 7” and I can only pump to 8”, and that is forcing it. My resting length in the tube is around 7.5”.
But if you want to enhance erect length while pumping , stay with a narrower tube.

That pretty much answers my question. I think I will do longer periods at 2 to 3HG, while refreshing blood flow every 10 mins. When you pack with your BPEL 1 inch longer then normal does it hold that extra inch while erect? I know temp gains go away, but for a short time does an erection show a 1 inch gain out of the tube and if so for how long?

Starting Stats: BPEL = 5.875, EG = 4.375 <> Current Stats: BPEL = 7.25, EG = 4.6

No, the erect length coming out of the tube is not the same as when fully pumped in the tube.

I can only see at most 1/2” temporary length gain after a good pump session.

Originally Posted by tinytim
I pack my tube every time I pump and can never keep an erection while pumping.
I am about 5.5” erect girth and use a 1.75” dia tube. I pump to stretch length so that necessitates packing the tube.
Using a narrower tube that is slightly larger than your normal erect girth is good for packing.
If you use a wider tube you just encourage more fluid buildup, which is what you are seeing on the freak blogs.

I started out at 4.75” girth and with a 2 1/4” dia tube. I tried packing it right away and had a fat, puffy, useless dick.
It took a couple days for the fluid to wear off. I don’t do that anymore.

With your girth you should be ok using a 1.5” tube, or maybe 1.75”.
You don’t need to be erect to pack the tube. I think it is more difficult to pack while erect.
I do just fine going in with a semi and gradually working it up.
I can pump past my BPEL while soft. Being soft allows your dick to stretch more easily.

So, yes you are correct to cycle the vacuum and exit the tube on a regular basis. Not so much because you need to let your erection go down, but to permit fresh blood circulation.
I go in and pump up to 8 - 10 hg for 10 or 20 sec. Then release the vacuum. Then pump up again. I keep cycling like that until I start expanding.
Once I get up to near max pump I let it sit for 5 mins at a reasonable vacuum 5 or 8 hg. Let it out and massage to erection.
I like to stroke out an erection with a cock ring on to get maximum expansion. Then when I go back into the tube it is easy to repack.

It’s easiest to reach max expansion if you go in with an erection, but like I said, I find it difficult to keep it and I think it is better to let it go soft in the tube.
What I like to do is work to reach max expansion and pack the tube, then get an erection in the tube. I do that by quickly cycling the pressure up and down and sometimes looking at porn.
Once I am hard, I can release the vacuum and since the tube is firmly packed I hardly loose any of my expansion.
When I come out of the tube I have a longer, thicker erection. Then I stroke and edge it to a rock hard boner.
It’s a great way to enhance your EQ and encourage natural expansion.
I recommend doing that before an intense sex session.

Keep in mind, pumping is more effective for girth than length, at least in the short term. I gained about .75” in girth , while only 1/2” in length, and I did hanging in addition.
I think the penis expands more easily in girth than length. My BP erect length is about 7” and I can only pump to 8”, and that is forcing it. My resting length in the tube is around 7.5”.
But if you want to enhance erect length while pumping , stay with a narrower tube.

Thanks for this

21/09/2019. 6.2 inches bone pressed erect length.

Short-term goal 24/12/2019

7inches bone pressed erect length

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