Thunder's Place

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Cylinder sizing issue


Originally Posted by 2hung4u
So, should I just go ahead an order a 2" cylinder then? It’d be a shame for the 1.75" to go to waste, but I suppose I can still use it for length work or something. If I do go for a larger cylinder, should I get a flared or cushioned cylinder to help keep my testicles out of the tube? I’m leaning towards Lapdist just because their pumps are so cheap. My 1.75" was from Bostonpump and it took almost a month for me to get it! I’d rather deal with someone else who ships faster.

I would stay with Boston Pumps as they are, in my humble opinion, the best bang for the buck.

I would suggest buying a 2" cylinder and a Sleeve Master, if you got your pump from Boston Pumps the connector will be compatible and you won’t have to buy a new pump just the cylinder and the Sleeve Master.

Here is the link to a package so you can see what I’m talking about.

Obviously you would just put a 2" or 2.25" cylinder in the shopping cart and the Sleeve Master and only buy those. It should be about $60-ish for the two items.

The Sleeve Master will do two things: it’ll help you get a good seal without grease or gook - especially if you keep pubic hair out of it while pumping (some shaving might help this), it will also cushion the base of the cylinder and prevent the soft tissue around there from getting overly stressed by the pressure of the cylinder against it. The benefit of the wider tube will be so obvious once you start to use it.

That’s my recommendation. Since I got the Sleeve Master it has made my daily morning pumping routine (in the shower) both easy and comfortable.

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After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Last edited by Mr. Happy : 06-15-2010 at .

Get a 1.75” Thickwall cylinder. The 2” Flared or 2” Thickwall will be too big for you and will pull your ball sack in, making the experience not very comfortable. I am 5.5” midshalf and it is a great fit. My friend also uses the same size tube and he’s 6-6.25” girth-wise. It’s a better, tighter fit and since it’s thickwall, it digs well into the base.

You should shave your base area, apply a bit of Vaseline, and a hidden secret, use Baby powder right where the ball sack is. This prevents the sack getting pulled into the tube. Very helpful.

Search for, they sell thickwall cylinders for reasonable prices. Not cheap, but worth it if you’re into pumping. **Do not go by the suggested size measurement scale you read. Many, including myself, have followed the size guidelines (Vacu-Tech for instance) and ended up with a tube a size larger than what we should have ordered.**

Stick to 1.75”. Anything larger and you’ll regret it.


However with the Sleeve Master you don’t need Vaseline or baby powder, it will also allow him to use the wider cylinder.

I don’t know how you can make the statement “Anything wider and you’ll regret it.” I don’t see how this sweeping generalization would be true in any case let alone all cases. What’s the thinking there?

Also Thick Wall Cylinders are out of the UK, so it is an iffy proposition as to whether the connector would fit his pump, and if he’s here in the States shipping may be prohibitive both in terms of time and cost.

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After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Thanks a lot for the recommendations! Is there any difference between Boston Pump’s Sleeve Master cylinder and their Standard Cylinder + Sleeve Master sleeve? I’ll probably order a 2” right away.

I have their standard 2” cylinder.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

I just put an order in for a 2” Boston Pump Sleeve Master cylinder. Thanks for the input and the advice!

Originally Posted by dtwarren1942
The elliptical cylinders are 1/8 inch longer across the widest measurement than the stated diameter. For example. The 2” cylinder is 2” across the short part of the opening and 2-1/8” across the longest part. Accordingly, the diameter is equivalent to 2.125”.

Go for the size that best fits your penis. There are several easy steps you can take to prevent your balls from being sucked in. Do a search or ask for advice if you can’t find any info.

I still use my old cylinder that I now pack completely. I use it at least once a week because it feels good when I completely fill the tube with my shaft. Once I remove my shaft from the smaller packed cylinder, it feels and looks the same as when I remove my shaft from the larger cylinder. I am sure my wife can’t feel the difference either.

I had emailed Lapdist about how those cylinders are measured and they said the difference was about 1/4”. The 1-3/4” I just got from Lapdist is 1-3/4” across the short diameter and 2-1/16” across the long.


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