Thunder's Place

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Fluid build up and Pumping?

Fluid build up and Pumping?

1) To all of the pump aficionados what is the deal with fluid and pumping. Is Fluid good or bad? I know that doughnuts are bad very bad
(i saw crazy stuff)

2) Is fluid the way that you gain girth from pumping and is that the reason why people say that they get spongy erections. I know that there has been some permanent gains and people have gain inches both long and wide and have been rigid and hard. So what is the deal with this pumping and fluid thing

3) one last question after pumping I know that you are supposed to jelq
(without cumming) but after jelqing do we were cock rings to get good permanent gains

Lymph fluid accumulation isn’t that very bad, but it isn’t very productive either. What is happening is that the outer skin layer is becoming bloated with lymph fluid and since this occurs outside of the tunica, it is not effecting tunica stretching and is therefore not very productive.

Fluid build up really doesn’t start to occur unless you are using higher pressures, say above 5 or 6”hg and longer continuous pump times of say over 20 minutes.

The best and most effective pump results are from pure blood engorgement that stretches the tunica in all directions. That is why combining pumping with jelqing is very effective, because you can pump and fill and stretch the tunica with blood and then further stimulate the process with jelqing. So as you gain experience, you can combine several pump/jelq cycles into your routine.

It is also a very good idea to end you routine with an erect massage and you can do this with or without a cock ring. I like to use the cock ring, as it further contributes to tunica expansion.

Thanks man anybody else hav some comments “avoc8t” “commanderblop”

any other vets


Not to hijack the post, but on a related topic; when I first started pumping I would do the fluid build up thing, cause I thought it was kind of neat. After doing more research and experimenting, I have found that pumping erect, and staying as erect as possible while in the tube, seems to greatly reduce, if not eliminate lymph fluid build up during a normal set. I am wondering if this helps long term results? I have been at this for only a few months, and I want to maximize the benefit. I get the feeling, my early sets, while entertaining at the time, most likely only gave short term results.

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