Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Fluid buildup pressure


Originally Posted by Kalonji
Blister on the glans is annoying - I keep getting a blister on the glans in the same identical spot lately. I do not exceed 5hg, 20 minutes in tube 1.125 tube and 20 minutes in a 2.25 tube.

I am not sure if its because I wrap behind the glans, and also place a silicone sleeve to reduce the chances of having a donut could be the source of the blister on the glans. I will wait a week for the blister to go away, then attempt without the wrap and silicone sleeve.

A week is probably not be enough time for a blister to heal, if it keeps reoccurring in the same place then I would suggest a 14 to 30 day break… and use lower vacuum levels when you pump again.

Follow my progress here:

Viking Guy's pumping adventure

I’ve been pumping a little over a year now. I noticed my worst donuts, happen when I’m almost packing the tube.

This week, I started ending my session if I was getting about half way to that point. And then do a partial set later to meet my time in tube goal. I’ve only had a few big time donuts, but I want to cut back on edema in general.

I’ve only gained.125” in mid shaft girth since I started pumping. So I figured I’d try a different approach. I have no clue if it will help, but it should definitely keep myself from over working it, I think.

I have gained .375” in length and about the same in base girth. But I think that’s from doing a lot of BTC stretching. But it’s probably a little of both. I’m up to 7.5” BPEL now!!😃

Start 8/15/18-BPEL-6.75” MEG-4.625”

2/17/20-BPEL-7.125” MEG-5”

Goal- 8”x5.5”

Originally Posted by Viking Guy
A week is probably not be enough time for a blister to heal, if it keeps reoccurring in the same place then I would suggest a 14 to 30 day break.. And use lower vacuum levels when you pump again.

Thanks for the sound advice. I will try that.

Originally Posted by Viking Guy

A week is probably not be enough time for a blister to heal, if it keeps reoccurring in the same place then I would suggest a 14 to 30 day break.. And use lower vacuum levels when you pump again.


As others have previously mention, it is mostly time and pressure. Too long or too high of a pressure or both can result in fluid buildup, and if you’re uncircumcised, a donut around your foreskin.

Start: 5.4" x 4.2", C: 5.4" x 4.2", STG: 7.0" x 5.0", LTG: 8.0" x 6.0"

The Ultimate Goal: 9.0" x 7.0"

One step at a time.

I think I can help. I’ve been pumping for a lot of years and in most tubes, I get some edema — the donut, ugh — after 20 minutes and it didn’t seem to matter whether I cycled the pressure from low to high or did multiple 5 or 10 minute sets. I’ve written previously about the pria-pump which you have to build as a DYI. What it does is restricts the pump to blood only by making a tight seal around your base. You go in flaccid and slowly build the pressure to between 6-8 in HG — whatever your comfort level. It takes 3-5 minutes to gain a full erection and your start your timing at that point. Still if I go over 8 in or longer than 30 minutes, I’ll get some, but less edema.

Recently I bought a Phoenix, a device that uses the same sound wave technology to Gainswaive to boost my EQ. Here’s the link if you’re curious: The Phoenix | World’s First Home-Use Acoustic Wave Device.

The surprise is it comes with a pump and I love it. They recommend using it for 2 10-minute sessions daily to compliment the Phoenix therapy. It comes with 2 rubber seals for the bottom — instead of sealing against your skin — with different size openings, depending on your size. Like the pria-pump, the instructions tell you to go in flaccid. The seals are tight on your base, but I’ve found putting a little aloe vera gel on your head and once you stretch it over, use a little more gel on your shaft and you can comfortably slide it down to your base. The seal works even better than my homemade pria-pump and I’ve found that with the Phoenix pump, I can pump at up to 40 minutes at 6-8 in HG and the expansion is excellent, virtually all blood and little or no edema. And also, it helps to wrap the pump with a heat source, like a rice sock or heating pad.

I’m not sure if the company sells the pumps separately, but I’m pretty sure you can make your own seals to convert a pump you already own. The closest thing to the seal is the rubber seal for automatic milking machines or the boots that fit over the automotive brake cylinders. You’d just need to find the right diameter for your cylinder and an opening that is really snug on your flaccid penis.

Hope that helps!

Start 3/18 — 7.25 x 5.25 (bpel x mseg) Now 8.25 x 6.2 Goal 9 x 7

I noticed something pretty neat with pumping. “Time is better than pressure.” I constantly picked the brains of many Pumpers here to find out what works best.

For me, a pressure of 2-3hg with longer time gives pure expansion without fluid staying around for long. The drawback is that your glans and CS will shrink because it becomes over expanded, but your tunica will stay large. The tunica maintaining expansion is what you should aim for because the glans and CS recover faster.

Eventually you want to work to hours in the pump for the best expansion. I didn’t notice gains until working past 1 hour in the tube. Shorter sets are better for decreasing fluid build up. I recommend starting with the vacuum pumping 101 routine and keep adding time as the weeks go by. Try not to pump past 4hg even if you feel like you are up to it. Try to keep heat going in the tube the entire time. I like to use a heat wrap personally. They are only about $15.

You will have to figure out what days on and off you will choose to do based on what your body can handle. I would recommend 5on/2off because you will be maintaining or increasing your expansion that you would normally still have everyday. The two rest days will be enough for you to heal mentally and physically.

TL;DR- Increase time in the pump over increasing vacuum. Use heat. Shorter sets(20min) are better at preventing fluid.

Originally Posted by Titleist
Everyone is different. The variables are time and pressure. You’ll have to experiment.


Just try for yourself and start low with short periods. Personally, my unit needs higher pressure to even feel anything (5hg minimum).

I recommend starting at 3-4hg for 5 min sets. Build up in time and pressure from there.

I’m back on this topic with another question:

Where does the Lymphayic fluid actually come from?

Does it have its own duct sytem or is it in the blood?

Use a search engine to check out the lymphatic system; you may find it interesting.

Just wondering if fluid buildup can be prevented by clamping during pumping.

Originally Posted by Artful Todger
Just wondering if fluid buildup can be prevented by clamping during pumping.

Do not mix clamp and pump.

Have you tried it? If an elastic band closes off the lymphatic ducts and stops fluid being sucked into the pumped penis, then why not?

1) Your understanding of the lymph system and how it functions is not quite right. Google it for a better explanation.

2) You can’t restrict the penis enough to stop fluid from moving towards the low pressure area created from a vacuum pump. Basically, there’s enough fluid already in the penis that can move around and create the edema. I’m qualifying this statement to pertain to normal PE pumping and clamping methods and not applying a tourniquet.

3) Some guys wear a cock ring while pumping to get more fluid buildup. Exact opposite of your hypothesis.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Last edited by 32quarters : 07-10-2022 at .

Originally Posted by 32quarters
3) Some guys wear a cock ring while pumping to get more fluid buildup. Exact opposite of your hypothesis.

A properly sized cock ring can help you maintain an erection in the tube, and help edging between pumping sessions. I use one occasionally.

Size is very important for proper fit, 2mm difference is enough to go from OK to “painfully tight” or “too loose to do much” for me. On eBay you can buy nylon sealing rings in packs of 5 for three or four dollars, usually with free shipping. I have an assortment of sizes.

The nylon rings have no give at all. There are also Buna rings, which are very hard synthetic rubber, that are somewhat flexible, but they don’t stretch enough to notice.

The rings come in various thicknesses. 4mm or 5mm are good. Anything smaller than 4mm is painful for me.

There’s nothing wrong with steel, but I haven’t found a reasonably priced source of steel rings in 1mm steps.


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