Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Full Package Pumping

The last time I pumped I got a strange irritation on my sack. I’m thinking about adding some aloe vera gel to the warm water. Anybody got any thoughts on if this is a good idea, bad idea?

Love thy neighbor.

Originally Posted by MHedberg
The last time I pumped I got a strange irritation on my sack. I’m thinking about adding some aloe vera gel to the warm water. Anybody got any thoughts on if this is a good idea, bad idea?

Doesn’t sound like it could hurt. Give it a try.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Originally Posted by illicitsilence
Is there a standard way to measure testicle volumetric size?

There are some more-modern methods using ultrasound imaging, but the classical standard is the “orchidometer.” It’s a string of shaped wooden beads of ascending sizes. You hold a testicle in one hand and run the orchidometer through the other, until you find the bead the most closely matches the size of the testicle.

The steps are fairly coarse; the testes aren’t smooth, and the scrotal skin can be quite thick, which make a more-accurate comparison difficult.

I bought an orchidometer a while back. Prices ranged from $40 to over $200, but they all appeared identical. The cheap one was on sale on Amazon.

Use a rice sock or hot towel to get some slack in your scrotum before you try using the orchidometer.

I’m, pumped, to give full package pumping my first try ever next week. This should be safe considering sperm production/testees health right?

Which do you think is the best cylinder for full package pumping: two stage cylinder or regular shaped but just large cylinder? Does that smaller opening with two stage cylinders help and how?

Your choice on cylinder type. I use a 3” straight wall.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

The two-stage tubes are primarily for guys who want a large round scrotum, like a grapefruit. The straight tubes are primarily for the guys who want more hang.

The large-round guys also use two-piece tubes that are sort of oval, split in half, and clamp together over their packag like a clamshell. They’re joined with a gasket and thumbscrews or butterfly nuts. That’s so that the opening can be small, for less leakage, but the pumped scrotum can be removed without having to wait for the pump to subside.

I got 3” regular cylinder for this, but I feel like there could be more diameter to it, especially when I’m doing regular pumping w my 2,5” first. Not really into growing my scrotum size particularly, but looking for more penile length. So maybe standard cylinder it is?

Quote from LA Pump two stage cylinder page: “Many men have been able to pump their penises to 8 inches in circumference, and scrotum to 10 inches in circumference.” Makes me wonder how much diameter should I pick to regular cylinder to max out the swollenness. Maybe like 4,25”, 4” or 3,5” at least. Maybe even more? Was just into of idea of smaller entrance hole because my scrotal area is it not too big, I’m kinda “twink” built, and I can see too big of a cylinder like hitting my inner thighs, but maybe that’s a comfort issue that’s tolerable. But then again if the smaller entrance aka two-stage cylinder focuses pressure so that it rather more enlarges scrotum than gives me hang, maybe I’m better off with just sticking with the regular cylinder. Do you know any good regular flanged cylinder makers? (LA Pump has these a tad sharper edges to the base of the cylinder, which gives me with little pube hair better suction, but causes somewhat tolerable discomfort.) I feel like air leakage is not a huge issue with full package pumping, anyway.

Flared cylinder makers*

Quote from LA Pump two stage cylinder page: “Many men have been able to pump their penises to 8 inches in circumference, and scrotum to 10 inches in circumference.”

It’s a thing. The guys on do it all the time. But they’re not pumping for permanent gains as we do at Thunder’s; they’re pumping for temporary gains. They don’t care that the result looks like a manatee and isn’t functional for intercourse, as long as it’s “huge”. They probably get some permanent enlargement along with it, but it’s not their primary purpose for pumping.

People who do that sort of pumping are your primary market for two-stage cylinders, “Sun Tea jars”, Bullmaster tubes, clamshell tubes, and >2.5” cylinders.

That said, there are some package pumpers here, but they generally stick with smaller straight tubes instead of the specialized equipment because they’re specifically going for length and girth, while most package pumpers are only concerned with sheer volume.

That’s definitely interesting topic. Does that insane fluid build-up help gains, and if, how much? Regardless, some fluid build-up always happens when pumping to max, I’ve noticed.

Full package pumping is totally relying more to fluid build up in hope for gains though. Fluid build-up aside, from what I’ve read full package pumping is beneficial because it pulls that some ligament in penis base (can’t remember the name) better so it gives hang/length gains thru that.

I’ve gotta go for 3,5 or 4” cylinder with this because with 3 incher my penis head tends to overly make this curve because scrotum makes it bend inside the chamber and from there curve starts to happen. It’s like a gateway drug situation in sense of becoming a tea jar pumper. XD

Damn boe. That 4” cylinder is huge. Can’t really pump with it since the edges of cylinder starts hitting/rubbing my inner thigh tendons in a very nasty way when I start applying pressure from the pump… Well I did managed to pump with it but I had to turn it kinda more to my stomach side. Still whole pumping process seemed kinda nonsensical. Maybe downgrade to 3.5” or 3.25…

Buy some Shapelock on eBay or Amazon. Warm it up and mold it around the entrance, to reduce the opening size to whatever seems appropriate.

I had to do that with my expensive Froehle “anatomical” tube; the gasket it came with was a joke, and nothing else would fit.

That’s defo a decent tip. Cheers. I’m not super crafty person but that process seemed doable.


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