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had another super pump session last nite

had another super pump session last nite

just gotta share guys!

aug 5th was 2 months pumping for me and last nite after 2 mos and 2 days on a pump routine I hit a new max size for girth.right out of the tube I measured 6” at the base.that’s a new record for me and in only 2 months I have managed to see my dick at the size of my goal,and it’s impressive.

and the part that gets me, I have never hit 7hg on the sessions usually go about 20-30 min for 2-4 sets but rarely do I ever go over 5-5.5 hg in a session.

question1) is there a studied or measured safe limit of hg? I read 5-7 for experienced guys but hear lots of guys saying they go to 8-10-12 hg.anyone ever heard from a urologist or other pro as to what the medical community suggest for highest safe pressure,like if you were using it for ED or something?

question2) why the hell can’t I pack that 2” tube!!!! ( I am only up to packing the bottom third of the tube completely and the first 2/3 rds from side to side),but for some reason my dick just won’t pump top to bottom and fill the tube. I would think that with 5 5/16 girth I’d be closing in on packing that thing about now?

question 3 ) cloth tape measures,you ever checked yours for accuracy? I checked mine last week after reading a post in the main forum,and found that from the start I have been shorting myself 1/8 inch because my tape was off……..better check em guys.

happy pumping…..

Yeah, not all rulers measure the same either. I have one that puts me at 7” BPEL and another that says a little over 7-1/8. Both are plain wooden rulers. The optimistic ruler is 15” long. My GF gave it to me for encouragement.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Yea I hear you man,it looks like yours was an error in your favor too. I triple checked my tape against 3 different straight rules which all measured the same and sure enough the tape was shorting me an 1/8 th all that bro we have nothing to bitch about.Rubberband man on the other hand found out he was giving himself an 1/8th,that would absolutely suck to be doing pe and find out your actually smaller than you thought you we’re.ouch,guess it would make a guy jelq and stretch like he never had before though.

Anyways .yea,gotta watch those rulers and tapes

First, congrats on reaching one of your goals!

Originally Posted by gottaget8x6
…my sessions usually go about 20-30 min for 2-4 sets…

Do you mean 20-30 minutes for EACH set? Meaning, for instance, if you went 4 sets for 20 minutes then 80 minutes pump time total?

Originally Posted by gottaget8x6
…right out of the tube I measured 6” at the base…

Is this a “fair” measurement? I figure that this right-out-of-the-tube pump must fade, right?

In two months, have you noticed any increases that are there the next day?

Fellow Pumper,

Yes to the set question,I would usually go 2-3 sets of about 20 minutes each in a session.4 sets would be the rare occassion.

And regarding the 6” being fair,well yes and’s definetly not permanent and it does go pretty fast,but I find that if I get it hard right after coming out of the tube I can keep that size hard-on for a few minutes,I’m thinking about using a cock ring to keep it that size for far as next day,well I measured earlier tonite and I was 5 1/2 midshaft,that close to 1/4 bigger at 24 hours after last yea I am definetly seeing some nice retained pump.

Very little lymph fluid too I mite add.never had a donut and hard-ons are pretty rock hard right after a pump.some fluid I guess,but very minimal

I’m only 5.5” girth and can pack my 2” tube with alot of time and patience. It takes me 2 - 3 hrs. to pack a 2” tube fully.

Not really much point to it though. Its all fluid. Eventually when I reach my preliminary goal (7”) I will start using the 2” tube more regularly, but for now it doesn’t serve much useful purpose.

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