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Head color while pumping question

Head color while pumping question

Hello all, I have questiong for you about the head color during pumping.

Lately, I have been pumping for longer periods at low pressure, usually around 15-20 in the pump. Then I will pull out and wet jelq for 5 minutes, get back into my pump and continue at low pressure for one or two more ‘sets’. I am seeing the head of my penis turning more or a purple color with the ocassional reddish blotchy spots, I’m not losing any sensitivity there but I just wanted to know if this is a bad thing?

I’m noticing much greater expansion when I pump for longer times, but if I am doing damage to my cock then I need to find a happy medium.

Is this purple-ish/red-blotchy color a bad thing?

Also, I am always going into a warm pump. I make sure that I wrap the rice sock around the cylinder while I am inside.

The glans will often get a dark red, even with a bluish tinge; that’s normal and caused by blood engorgement.

If you experience any numbness or find that your glans is colder than your shaft when you leave the tube, consider cutting back on your tube time and lowering pressure a little.



My glan gets dark red about 2 minutes in at any pressure.

Blotchy, well, alittle bit, but it goes away.

Thanks guys, just wanted to make sure I wasn’t going to do damage.

As for numbness there is none. And coldness, well there really couldn’t be because I am wrapping the rice sock around the cylinder anyway so my entire cock is warm when I pull out.

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