Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How important is it to enter cylinder erect?

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How important is it for good results to enter the cylinder erect?

It is essential


It helps a little


It doesn’t really matter

Total Votes: 72. You may not vote on this poll

Originally Posted by gprent
Contrary to popular advice I do watch porn when I pump to stay erect. What you are doing is very close to what I do. I say do what works best for you. Just always be on the watch for going overboard. I like your routine. 👍👍

Lol would hope so its basically what I’ve seen you recommend on here. Only issue I’ve run into is got a 1.75” cylinder and have 5.1” mseg but about 5.4 base and glans. So fairly quickly(maybe 10-12 mins in) I pack the bottom and glans but the mid shaft doesnt seem to get anymore expansion I am guessing because the glans have packed the tube and now all its doing is putting more pressure on the tip. It does it so much that after the second session the glans come out flattened and elongated plus the shaft doesnt seem to get any more of a stretch once the glans pack. Ordered a 2” tube that hopefully will take care of this though. Trying to avoid porn for a bit as I realized I was getting desensitized to it.

Originally Posted by gprent

Yes pretty much immediately. Yes re-enter erect or flaccid, however you just exited. If you can get from flaccid to erect or semi, that would be ideal. The goal is to get deeper penetration the 2nd time around. I have even reset a third time after another 5 minutes and gotten further penetration into the cylinder. Pressing the cylinder into your crotch as you pump up is a big help.

I tried this technique and it’s wonderful, I saw an increase in length and girth, for the first time I packed my cylinder. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience.

Originally Posted by gprent
Contrary to popular advice I do watch porn when I pump to stay erect. What you are doing is very close to what I do. I say do what works best for you. Just always be on the watch for going overboard. I like your routine. 👍👍

A follow up question is, is there a rough amount of growth I should be shooting for per session? What I mean is for example I am going into the tube at 5.1” mseg and coming out at the end around 5.5”. Don’t think I am getting much if any edema as it comes out fatter but pretty solid still not very puffy etc. Most of the time in the tube is spent around 5hg. I see people posting they get 1” or more of girth growth but not sure if alot of that is fluid or tissue. Is there a good rule of thumb whether it be a % of growth or a measurement.

Originally Posted by Hankreardon
A follow up question is, is there a rough amount of growth I should be shooting for per session? What I mean is for example I am going into the tube at 5.1” mseg and coming out at the end around 5.5”. Don’t think I am getting much if any edema as it comes out fatter but pretty solid still not very puffy etc. Most of the time in the tube is spent around 5hg. I see people posting they get 1” or more of girth growth but not sure if alot of that is fluid or tissue. Is there a good rule of thumb whether it be a % of growth or a measurement.

I am only a sample size of one but for me .5” length gain is automatic, but I can usually get .75” length to 7.75”. For girth I usually go from 5.5” to 6.0” circumference. More girth than that is just lymph fluid accumulation.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Originally Posted by gprent
I am only a sample size of one but for me .5” length gain is automatic, but I can usually get .75” length to 7.75”. For girth I usually go from 5.5” to 6.0” circumference. More girth than that is just lymph fluid accumulation.

Hmmm ok I really havent focused on length in the tube so no clue but I would say that sounds about right. I care way more about girth so have been focused on that and like I said I am seeing .4” so sounds like I am not too far off.


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