How necessary is an erection when pumping?
Like a few other members have stated, I am seldom hard when going into the pump and never hard coming out of it. I think it’s safe to say that when pumping, my erection has subsided long before my session is complete. Obviously, if I can’t stay hard when pumping, there’s nothing I can do about it. Question is, how necessary is the erection when pumping?
Today, I did a small experiement and started my session without being hard, at all. My dick eventually expanded to the size of a full erection for me (or close to it) about 3-4 minutes after I started the clock. My question here is, should I start the clock once I’m fully expanded or once I am at my usual pressure setting?
I believe these are some important questions that need to be addressed. Again, I’ll be sure to keep everyone informed of my progress as I go along.