Hi, Gorf;
You can play, too.
1) Does pumping do anything other than give temp gains?
It’ll help develope a very healthy penile vascular system; possibly help you last longer during sex; augment your other PE exercises; give you a very pleasureable time.
2) Should I buy a cheap pump to start with, in case i don’t like?
I think not, unless you want to blow some money just to see what it feels like. Cheap pumps don’t usually have gauges and the one-tube-size-fits-all philosophy just doesn’t hold water.
3) I live in the UK, so any idea’s for pump-vendors?
I’m pretty sure https://www.cockpump.com ships to the UK and they have a good product for a good price.
4) Anything you could think of
Drop by the Pump Chat next Tuesday if you can. I’m sure many of these topics will be discussed.