Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Impressed thus far

Impressed thus far

I appreciate all the information made available here, as well as the responses to my beginning pumping pains.

I’ve tried just about every reasonable gadget and routine discussed on Thunder’s. I have to say that my experience thus far with pumping has been one of the most pleasing and impressive. It is the simplest and most convenient form of PE I think I have tried thus far. After a little coaching on here, I caught on quickly.

The results have been immediate. My veins are MUCH more prominent, erections even more solid, morning wood is hard, and flaccid hang is great. After two weeks I am already measuring an increase in erect girth. I started at a solid 5.5 erect girth, measuring 5 5/8 inches with the most solid erections. Today, with a normal boner, I am measuring over 5 5/8 inches erect girth. Girth is what I am after. Length is enough for now to please the wife at 7.25 erect (I have measured 7.5 at times).

If I have a problem it is with the ball sack and loose skin being sucked into the tube as my workout proceeds. This is no big deal to me and I have learned to limit this when needed.

In my first week I played around with everything mentioned on here. I wanted to see what MY dick responded to best. This, of course, gave the donut effect (not real bad), but I did learn my limits. Somewhere around 5Hg is optimal for me at this time. Stroking with the tube also seems to give me the donut effect. It was gone by the next morning, but I experimented until I found my max without the donut effect.

One thing that has really impressed me is the effects of jelqing in combination with the pump. Wow is all I can say! I just had 3 days and nights of thorough workouts. I mean I worked it to its max. On day 3 I realized it was time for a break because I could feel a slight soreness in the shaft. Hence, tonight I am doing no PE work.

I’ve been at this since 11/03. I was a fast gainer having gained 1.25 in erect length and .5 inches in erect girth since that time. These are cemented gains. I do measure larger from time to time, but the larger measurements are not cemented. Having experimented with so many devices and routines, I know my dick. I think the veterans will agree that after a while you can feel when something works. Well, I can say that after two weeks of consistent pumping I believe good things are to come for me and cum for Mrs. 5379 :)

Thanks for all your help!


"I have strong feelings about gun control. If there\'s a gun around, I want to be controlling it." Clint Eastwood

Glad to hear of your gains. I’ve been thinking adding pumping to my routine since I have not had any more gains for almost 6 months now. I am also most concerned with girth gains now.

I have a question, how long after pumping/jelqing do you measure? I know that when I measure within a day of jelqing/squeezes I measure longer, what I consider a post workout size.

Also if I am not 100% erect/hard I measure thicker but if I get some serious wood going some of the volume seems to go for length and the girth is somewhat smaller.

So I guess I’m also asking you, are you at your hardest erection while noticing these girth gains?

Hope you continue to get great gains,

thanks for a reply, goingforit

Good on you brother. I can’t say I don’t envy your fast gains :D

Keep it up! Literally!

Marty, I think you and Mrs. 5379 are going to be real pleased with developments.

A lot of us have an easier time getting length than we do girth. That’s a very significant gain for you since last fall. How fat do you want to make it?


goingforit wrote: “Also if I am not 100% erect/hard I measure thicker but if I get some serious wood going some of the volume seems to go for length and the girth is somewhat smaller.”

Works the same way for me. Morning wood when I wake is always thicker, too.



Good for you Marty!

I also recently added pumping to my sessions (about 3 or 4 weeks ago), and I’m liking the results very much.

Doing hang/pump/hang/pump sessions seems to be a great combination for me, but after reading your comment : One thing that has really impressed me is the effects of jelqing in combination with the pump. Wow is all I can say! - I’m thinking of adding jelqs back into my workouts.

Good post, is good to read a PE happy guy’s results.

Postatem obscuri lateris nescitis.

Originally Posted by goingforit
I have a question, how long after pumping/jelqing do you measure? I know that when I measure within a day of jelqing/squeezes I measure longer, what I consider a post workout size.

I measure all the time. After a 5 day break I measured 7.25 x 5 5/8 inches. That was a couple weeks ago. However, I measure during and after a workout. Such measurements (IMO) tell me what is coming. It is great motivation for me when I measure those during and post workout boners. It is after good workouts that I really see the larger measurements I mentioned. I have, however, measured right at .25 inches of more erect length pre-workout. But that’s been the case with me since day one. Before I ever get there, I touch it many times and then one day it is solid. So I do understand the post workout measurements can deceive, but they motivate too since (IMO) it tells me what is possible.

Originally Posted by goingforit
Also if I am not 100% erect/hard I measure thicker but if I get some serious wood going some of the volume seems to go for length and the girth is somewhat smaller…. So I guess I’m also asking you, are you at your hardest erection while noticing these girth gains?

Same here, but not always. Sometimes at about 80% erect my girth is larger than at 100%. But at other times my rock solid erect has the same or slightly larger girth. But the former is most often the case for me.

Originally Posted by avocet8
How fat do you want to make it?

All along this has been about US, Mrs. 5379 and myself. Sex has NEVER been an issue in our marriage. Never one complaint. Rather, complements continuously. However, after several kids sliding out of that canal, the water is deeper and the banks are further apart. Hence, PE. I told her about it not long after seeing positive results. Since that time I/We have been careful to gauge where I am and how it feels to her. I have no desire to lessen her satisfaction, only to enhance it. Not too long ago she said the length was enough for now. There is room for girth, though, and that’s one reason I read up on pumping. My prior girth gains have come from PJing and extreme ULIs. Pumping is so much easier on me than ULIs. So I’d have to answer your question with a “I don’t know.” We evaluate after each session of playing doctor. I will say that in the past couple of weeks we have had to add lubrication to our play. IMO it is a sign of the expanding girth. She’s always wet, but I wear it away quicker now than before. Right now I would say that a 6 inch girth would probably work fine for her.

I appreciate all the replies. I am no expert at this, but I can tell you about my dick. I’ve known him for a long time. :)


"I have strong feelings about gun control. If there\'s a gun around, I want to be controlling it." Clint Eastwood

Hey Marty,

Your wife can help out, too … She can start doing kegels etc. to strengthen her muscles and squeeze you tighter. There are several devices out there that help this process as well.

Mine has done them and it helps amazingly.


Even more impressed!

Whoooooooooo! I threw the heat to the meat in the tube tonight. My goodness! What a ride! I blew up like a darn balloon.

When I started this venture with pumping I experimented with the heating pad wrapped around the tube, figured it out, put in on the back burner for future use. Tonight I applied the heating pad the entire workout. In the beginning (2 weeks ago) what I thought was packing the tube, ended up being skin being sucked into the tube. However, midshaft is packed. I am wide as opposed to round. But after about 3 sessions of 20 minute pumping/PJing, I was packing about 75% of the tube. Dang this thing just kept getting bigger!

Is this what everyone else experiences when applying heat to the tube?


"I have strong feelings about gun control. If there\'s a gun around, I want to be controlling it." Clint Eastwood

As promised in this forum, pumping has elevated my nightly erections. I woke up this morning with the fattest piece of meat I’ve ever had, guaged by my index to thumb. That dang heat really did the trick. Looking forward to using it again tonight.


"I have strong feelings about gun control. If there\'s a gun around, I want to be controlling it." Clint Eastwood

Hey Marty - what equipment are you running?

Originally Posted by secjay
Hey Marty - what equipment are you running?

LA Pump with gauge and wrapped a heating pad around the tube. Of course, using the PJ for jelqing before, in between, and after.


"I have strong feelings about gun control. If there\'s a gun around, I want to be controlling it." Clint Eastwood


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