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Just bought an elliptical cylinder and love it


Originally Posted by dtwarren1942
I moved from a 1.5 round to a 1.5 elliptical. At the time I bought it, it measured 1.5 X 1.75 so that it was like moving up a half size. At least for me because I have an elliptical shaped shaft. As the size increases, it no longer represents a half size increase. I believe you only get an advantage if you have an elliptical shaped shaft.

I feel the negative force on my dick is more equally distributed in the wide mouth (elliptical) because it’s dimensions more closely fit the dimensions of my shaft. As a result, it would be less likely to cause fluid build up.

I think you’re on the right track with that theory, DT. My theory is that with a cylindrical cross-section, you ‘pack’ the tube in some places before others, so as you continue your session to get more expansion in the portion of your dick that hasn’t contacted the cylinder, the portion that HAS is constrained from any further expansion.

With an elliptical cross-section, it more closely matches the typical cross-section of a penis, so in theory, you’re more likely to pack the cylinder in all places at the same time, rather than some hitting (and stopping) while the rest is ‘catching up’.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by Lampwick
I think you’re on the right track with that theory, DT. My theory is that with a cylindrical cross-section, you ‘pack’ the tube in some places before others, so as you continue your session to get more expansion in the portion of your dick that hasn’t contacted the cylinder, the portion that HAS is constrained from any further expansion.

With an elliptical cross-section, it more closely matches the typical cross-section of a penis, so in theory, you’re more likely to pack the cylinder in all places at the same time, rather than some hitting (and stopping) while the rest is ‘catching up’.

This is exactly my thinking, I’m hoping the elliptical will stop the CS expanding ( which is the area that seems to expand the most ) and allow the pressure to focus on the CCs as they will have the extra space at the sides.

Well for anyone who’s interested I got my elliptical thickwall at last.
It’s my first Vacutech tube and I have to say the quality is excellent if a bit expensive if you’re outside the US, so far though I can’t find anyone selling ellipticals in Europe so choice is limited.

I’ve been using a 2.25” round tube so I bought the 2” by 2.5” elliptical, in theory they should be about the same circumference but the elliptical is slightly oversized at about 2 1/16” by 2 9/16” but Vacutech do say the sizes vary somewhat.

Even though I’m not packing either of these tubes the sensation in the elliptical is very different and I’m not really sure why.
In the round tube I feel most of the expansion on the underside in the CS and in the lower edges of the CCs, so most of the pressure seems to pull downwards.

In the elliptical it feels like 70% of the expansion is going sideways and the rest just evenly distributed around the shaft. it feels a lot more natural if that makes sense.

After 20mins I definitely come out the elliptical looking wider, also colour seems much healthier for some reason, maybe better blood flow ?
The other thing I’ve noticed is fewer red dots especially on the underside which is where I usually get them.

So far I’m liking it so I’ll stick with it for a month or so and see what happens.

I used to pump for a year to 1.5 years and last night was my first time using the elliptical cylinder. My scrotum felt very uncomfortable with it on and I ended up using for only 5 minutes before taking it off. Has anyone else here had that problem?? If so, how did you make it more comfortable to use?

Originally Posted by rho44
I used to pump for a year to 1.5 years and last night was my first time using the elliptical cylinder. My scrotum felt very uncomfortable with it on and I ended up using for only 5 minutes before taking it off. Has anyone else here had that problem?? If so, how did you make it more comfortable to use?

I found the same the first few times I used mine, it does get more comfortable as you adjust to it. Usually the longer the session the more comfortable it felt.
Having said that I still preffer round tubes.

Thanks for the response. I looked at the site again and it appears I got a cylinder a size too big! Oy!

Originally Posted by rho44
Thanks for the response. I looked at the site again and it appears I got a cylinder a size too big! Oy!

That would certainly make the problem worse, you could always buy a silicone seal to reduce the opening a bit, may help.

I caved in and ordered another one. I consider this a lesson learned. As far as the wrong cylinder goes, I’ll just store it for now in hopes that it will be a good fit in the future. Thanks again for the feedback.

I originally started with the 1.75” round cylinder from LAP about a year ago. Then I upgraded to a 2” round cylinder 3 months ago. A week ago, I got a 2” elliptical cylinder, from LAP as well. The dimensions of this oval shape has a height of 2” and width of 2.5”. This 2” elliptical cylinder has similar volume as the 2.25” round cylinder. I must say this elliptical is great for my penis. It feels great after each pumping session. I like the idea of growing my CC instead of the CS since the CC’s are much more solid whereas the CS is very spongy.

Last edited by memento : 05-04-2015 at . Reason: Removed advert

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