Originally Posted by dtwarren1942
I moved from a 1.5 round to a 1.5 elliptical. At the time I bought it, it measured 1.5 X 1.75 so that it was like moving up a half size. At least for me because I have an elliptical shaped shaft. As the size increases, it no longer represents a half size increase. I believe you only get an advantage if you have an elliptical shaped shaft.
I feel the negative force on my dick is more equally distributed in the wide mouth (elliptical) because it’s dimensions more closely fit the dimensions of my shaft. As a result, it would be less likely to cause fluid build up.
I think you’re on the right track with that theory, DT. My theory is that with a cylindrical cross-section, you ‘pack’ the tube in some places before others, so as you continue your session to get more expansion in the portion of your dick that hasn’t contacted the cylinder, the portion that HAS is constrained from any further expansion.
With an elliptical cross-section, it more closely matches the typical cross-section of a penis, so in theory, you’re more likely to pack the cylinder in all places at the same time, rather than some hitting (and stopping) while the rest is ‘catching up’.