Just how loud is the ctc xl 3000 electric pump...
Can someone compare the sound of one of the pumps to an everyday object.
I live by myself,so I would not worry about someone hearing it in the next room,but I live in an apt. and I can usually hear the tv from downstairs through the heating vents.For anyone who owns one of these, do you think that it would be so loud that it would be heard through heating vents.
Its not as loud as a blender or vacuum cleaner is it?
Is there anything that someone can compare it to(the loudness).
I know that some peope avoid them because of the sounds, but I always figured this is because they have to be conspicious( ex.
if a family member hears a humming noise,no matter low,they may come and see what the sounds is.Since I dont have to worry about this,I am hoping I will be okay,I just dont want to bother the people who live below me,and would rather that they cant even hear it.
So can anyone think of anything that they can compare it to,or relate their experience over the loudness with me( specifically the ctc xl 3000).
Thanks in advance.