Originally Posted by gprent
Try milking the tube, where you pull the tube away from your body and then push it back in. Do this frequently while you pump. Just don’t pull so hard as to break the vacuum seal. This causes about a 1”hg pressure fluctuation that is excellent for stimulating circulation. I do a lot of milking when I pump.Also do kegels while pumping as another way to promote circulation.
Totally this! Works wonders and helps me stay as full and hard as possible, and it definitely keeps the color looking good. Also pulse-pumping is good too. I usually pump between 3-4hg, so I’ll pump up to 4 or 5, hold for 10 seconds, then drop down to 2 or 3, 10 seconds, then up to where I started, then a tick higher, then drop, etc. I really like that.