Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Little things u learn

Little things u learn

I guess we all start at point A with our PE and get to point B by doing X, for you what is that X? An example for me would be using a cock ring or adding tiger balme to my Vaseline for jelquing and pumping and changing the duration of sets. What changes have u made to your routine along your PE journey?

I guess I ask to gain ideas on changing my routine or the way I do PE in order to progress.

Regards Rolo

The most significant change I made was to reduce my in-tube time considerably. Modemmer contributed to my thinking on this. After I got conditioned to the pump, I had been doing 20 minute sets, usually three of them. That’s an hour of pumping. I found that multible short sets (even 5 minute ones) did as much as longer ones and left a lot more time between for other PE excercises.

What are the benefits of Tiger Balm, rolo? I never tried it.



Avocet8, I guess I wanted to eliminate that cold feeling that u get when u come out of the pump. So I apply some tiger balm mixed with vaseline when massaging up for an erection to go in the tube and it seems to keep it a little more warmer than usual.

Yeah I think set times are important, I stay no longer that 8 minutes and have started using a cock ring. Still no gains, but can report solid erections, slightly thicker and better flaccid hang. Do you think a time horizon of 6 months is too short to see some erect gains?

Regards Rolo

You ought to begin seeing gain within about 60 days, esp. if you are combining pumping with some PE exercise like jelking.




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