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Mity Vac Pump

Mity Vac Pump

Hello All:

My brass pump has just died—will not hold vacuum. Where can I buy just the Silverline pump by Mity Vac?


I did an Internet search for auto parts stores in your area and found several (Abernathy, Advance, Autozone, B&J, Big M, Bloomington, etc.). If they had a web site I searched that. Not all of them do, of course, so that doesn’t mean much, but of the ones that did none had any MityVac item listed. Sears was the only place that did, but they only list the plastic model. You might try calling around to the auto parts stores and see what they have. That’s the usual place to find the MityVac pumps. Good luck.

Thanks Westla: I did the search and found a few, however most of them had the kit and didn’t have the pump seperately. The site shows them but no way of ordering online. I wrote the lincoln site who bought out mityvac and am waiting for a reply. Was hoping that I could pick up locally but…..Again thanks, Steve

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