Modified cylinder base
I always try and keep my cylinder at my natural erection angle during a session but after a while the rim starts to dig in to the top side of my shaft, it gets uncomfortable and I doubt having pressure like that on the dorsal nerve is ideal.
Anyway I thought I’d do something to try and fix it so I cut the end off my cylinder at a 10 degree angle and then rounded off the edges and polished it.
Wow ! Way more comfortable and it feels like removing the pressure from that spot allows a better erection, I seem to be getting better expansion now.
I suspect the tube digging in was restricting circulation to some degree.
It was pretty easy to do, the acrylic cuts easily with a hacksaw and then I used sandpaper to round of the edges followed by wet sanding with wetndry paper and finally polished it with some car polish.
Will get some pics up later.