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Modified cylinder base

Modified cylinder base

I always try and keep my cylinder at my natural erection angle during a session but after a while the rim starts to dig in to the top side of my shaft, it gets uncomfortable and I doubt having pressure like that on the dorsal nerve is ideal.

Anyway I thought I’d do something to try and fix it so I cut the end off my cylinder at a 10 degree angle and then rounded off the edges and polished it.

Wow ! Way more comfortable and it feels like removing the pressure from that spot allows a better erection, I seem to be getting better expansion now.
I suspect the tube digging in was restricting circulation to some degree.

It was pretty easy to do, the acrylic cuts easily with a hacksaw and then I used sandpaper to round of the edges followed by wet sanding with wetndry paper and finally polished it with some car polish.

Will get some pics up later.


Originally Posted by capernicus1
Anyway I thought I’d do something to try and fix it so I cut the end off my cylinder at a 10 degree angle and then rounded off the edges and polished it.

Yes The water pump cylinder I got with Mr Fantastic water pump is a bit like this http://www.them rfantasticpenis … C_CYLINDER.html and it does allow for a comfortable pump session.


Originally Posted by austfred
Yes The water pump cylinder I got with Mr Fantastic water pump is a bit like this http://www.them rfantasticpenis … C_CYLINDER.html and it does allow for a comfortable pump session.


That looks interesting, looks like it’s cut away more on each side than on the top though ?
I certainly can’t take credit for the idea, it was a pumptoys cylinder that made me think of doing it, theirs is angled at 15 degrees though which would have shortened my cylinder too much.
I lost about 10mm in tube length doing mine.

That’s funny you mention this because I have to stop pumping (and squeezing/clamping) for this very reason.

Originally Posted by capernicus1
That looks interesting, looks like it’s cut away more on each side than on the top though ?

It slopes from top to bottom but also has sideways curves, indented most around the middle. My understanding is that Mr Fantastic shaped it that way to fit against the pelvic bone. Does help. He also sells a version with a longitudinal bend for those with pronounced upward curved penises.


Here’s a shot of the tube, quite hard to photograph but I think you can see the angle ok.

(315.0 KB, 98 views)

OK so I wanted to try something similar without cutting the cylinder.

I wanted to use milliput (epoxy resin) to give an angle at the base of the cylinder, and possibly change the shape close to the base so the top half of the cylinder digs higher into the pubic bone.

My worry is how safe epoxy putty is (repeated skin contact isn’t safe) , and can you guys think of any ways around this?

Is there any safe putty I could use?

I’m just updating this to say I successfully cut the cylinder. It’s a bit more comfy, but to completely solve my problem I need the top of the base of the cylinder to dig higher into the fat pad.

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