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need help replacing my guage on my LA pump

need help replacing my guage on my LA pump

I dropped my pump the other day; stupid! Now the guage is broken i think. Its not reading 0 anymore from the get got but is always stuck on 11 or 12 hg; I think i should replace it. I wanna make sure im getting accurate readings and not the readings this messed up one has.

Is there any thing special to these types of guages? are they called a certain name? Is there a special way to put the new guage on? Any other information on replacing this guage successfully, please reply with it.


Also, i have taken the guage off the pump so its by its self and still getting the 11-12 hg reading; so i definetly have to replace this guage.

I think you can get a small accurate vacuum gauge at a lot of large auto parts or hardware stores.

Sep. 2003: 7" bpel x 5" eg June 2004: 7 & 1/4" bp x 5 & 3/8" eg Jan. 2005: 7.5 x 5.5 Goal: 8x6 "I always knew pe existed but didn't know where to start, until I found Thundersplace."

Here are some to look at:

Originally Posted by gprent101
Here are some to look at:

Your awesome, this was getting embarassing. When i would call the auto parts store, some of them chuckled when i ask about this part. Is there something i can say to avoid embarassment? what could i say i need this part for?

Also what size of guage do i need? Like 1/2 inch base or what should i lok for exactly for the dimensions

I appreciate this big time for any answers.

Taking a second look at that web page, all those gauges have 1/4 inch fittings, where best as I can measure, the gauge on the LA pump has a 3/8 inch fitting.

Wouldn’t hurt to check with LA pumps like Thunder said to see if they can come up with a gauge.

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