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New to pumping and with ED

New to pumping and with ED

I’m new to pumping, last night was my first session, 4 sets of 5 minutes at 4inhg. I have ED problems and will be following AVOCET8’s thread for pumping with ED.

I don’t go into the tube particulary hard. In the tube things seem ok, but my cock gets deep red in color or bordoring on slightly blue. Is this normal or am I using too much vacuum? Also, when I come out of the pump, I’m not very hard either, rather a chubby flaccid.

Two questions, is it ok for my cock to be this color (after the session it goes back to normal color) and even though I have ED issues, is it normal to come out of the tube flaccid?

Any input would be appreciated. Thanks very much.

Starting stats 3/2/12: BPEL 5.625, EG 5.375, Flaccid L 3.50, Flaccid G 5.125, Mild to moderate ED

Goals: It's growing and looking good. ED is slightly better. 4/30

Well I know that from experience. Even though I may go into the pump fully erect, I do come out flaccid/semi hard if that makes sense. Not a hard on. As for turning color, I am not sure about that. You may want to drop the HG level a little bit and see how that goes. Sorry I could not be of any more help.

At 4 hg, you should be alright. My dick turns a reddish brown after 15 plus minutes in the tube but returns to normal or close to normal within about 10 minutes after exiting.. I have been pumping for twenty minutes a day, five days a week at 5 hg for over two years with no serious injuries. I also followed Avocet8’s routine for ED for about six months which allowed me to reduce my Viagra dose from 100 mg to 50 mg. It’s a great routine for improving the health of your dick.

Even going in with a Viagra assisted 75% erection, I always come out of the tube below 70%. However, because I have severe Ed, I need to use constriction to generate a 90% plus erection. I have read that many guys without ED and who go in with a good erection, come out with a softer erection, but can subsequently improve it to a hard erection.

megzobo & dtwarren, thanks to both of you for taking the time to post to my thread.

I quess all men are different when it comes to pumping, and other PEing for that matter. I SO want to fix this ED problem. I could possibly work up a 60% woody before I go in the tube, but I have to work quickly since I loose the erection fast. I hate getting the lube all over the equipment.

DT, I’ve read many of your posts and find them very useful to my situation. Please continue to post your experiences as I’m sure other men in the same boat, find benefit in your posts as well.

Some days I wake up with decent morning wood, other days, nothing. This morning I had no wood. It may be because my wife woke me from a sound sleep and my sleep was broken the rest of the night. I have to do some reasearch on quality of sleep and ED. If there are published abstracts, these would make for an interesting thread.

Again, thanks to both of you. Keep on pumping.

I think I may back off the pumping pressure to 3inhg for a couple of weeks and see how I react.

Starting stats 3/2/12: BPEL 5.625, EG 5.375, Flaccid L 3.50, Flaccid G 5.125, Mild to moderate ED

Goals: It's growing and looking good. ED is slightly better. 4/30

An article concerning sleep and EQ quality

Starting stats 3/2/12: BPEL 5.625, EG 5.375, Flaccid L 3.50, Flaccid G 5.125, Mild to moderate ED

Goals: It's growing and looking good. ED is slightly better. 4/30

Even though you should be perfectly safe using 4”hg, you might get less discoloration if you try pumping up slowly to that level. Start off for 1 minute at 2.5, then 1 minute at 3.0, then 1 minute at 3.5 and the remainder at 4.0.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Thanks gprent, I’ll see how this works out. The coloration doesn’t concern me a too much as my pecker goes back to normal color.

I’m just curious as to how guys typically come out of the tube, EQ wise.

Also, is there a better time of the day or night for pumping? For instance, if pumping in the PM, would this help nocturnal and morning wood?

Starting stats 3/2/12: BPEL 5.625, EG 5.375, Flaccid L 3.50, Flaccid G 5.125, Mild to moderate ED

Goals: It's growing and looking good. ED is slightly better. 4/30

I do not believe timing makes a difference in overall EQ. I normally time my pumping to preceed sexual encounters to take advantage of the additional 1/4 inch in temporary girth.

My EQ for the last few days has been really poor. I haven’t had any morning wood. I’m trying to stay away from porn. This could be a factor.

Also, since I’m new to PE’ing and pumping, possibly all this is too much to take in, in such a short period of time. I have to step back an reformulate a simplier plan. Before starting pumping 2 nights ago, I was pretty much just doing the newbie routine. This was only for about a week. Then I got the pumping tools after reading the success pumping has on ED. I decided that pumping may be of better benefit.

I’m going to do light stretching for 2-3 minutes, followed by light jelqing to get some wood, then pump at <4inhg for 5 minute sets. I’m going to do this strickly in the morning. I’ve been doing the PE’ing and pumping in the PM. I don’t think this is working for me.

Starting stats 3/2/12: BPEL 5.625, EG 5.375, Flaccid L 3.50, Flaccid G 5.125, Mild to moderate ED

Goals: It's growing and looking good. ED is slightly better. 4/30


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