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New Tube?

New Tube?


I’ve been pumping for several months now and have to say that I really like it. I started with a Vacutech 1 3/4” x 9” Flared Tube and felt that this tube was too big. I ordered a 1 1/2” x 9” Thick Walled Tube and used it exclusively until about 3 weeks ago when I decided to try the “Fatter” Tube. The “Fatter” 1 3/4” Flared Tube has naturally caused me to expand more in girth and was not quite as comfortable as it caused my scrotum sack to get sucked in more. In this 1 3/4” Flared Tube, I get pulled to slightly over 7” and my girth has expanded to just under 6”. This morning, I woke up a little early with wood and decided while I was lying there to do a little exercise. I did some static stretching and some dry jelqing and through in some squeezes, horse 440’s and bends. When I got up, I decided to pump a little before I finished getting dressed for work and decided to try the smaller 1 1/2” Thick Walled Tube which I havn’t used in 3 weeks. I lubed my shaft and started inserting my cock and discovered that just going in hard, I was almost filling this tube girth wise. I pumped to my usual 5 to 6 Hg and after a few minutes appeared to be packing this tube most of the way up my shaft. This tube is more comfortable, but there is no way I’ll improve girth.

I’m thinking maybe I should possible get another tube. OK, here is my questions for all you veteran pumper’s.:

1. Does my discomfort with the 1 3/4” flared tube mean that I need to continue using it until I pack it better or is my discomfort with my scrotum sack being pulled up into the tube a sign that it is still too big? I am thinking that maybe I might be better off with a 1 3/4” Thick Walled Tube or possible going to a cock and ball tube. Any comments?

2. Do most of you pumper’s wait to order a larger tube until you completely fill the tube in length as well as girth?

Dav -

Guys who use flared tubes can offer better input than I. It just seems to me than any tube size (or configuration) that is uncomfortable to use isn’t the right one.

I used to get frequent scrotal sack sucking until I changed my shaving pattern. I now shave more frequently and close to the bottom of my shaft and I shave my scrotum, too. I get a much better and consistent seal this way. Also, my balls are a heck of a lot more sensitive nowadays. :-)

Since most of us buy cylinders at least 3 inches longer than our best erect length, most of us haven’t a prayer of running out of tube length. My current tube is 10”. If I ever hit the end of that sucker I’m writing to Bib and DLD for some tips on how to live Huge.




Which are you after length or girth? I was in about the same boat as you with which tube size to use. I have a 1 3/4” x 10” LA pump with the big flaired bottom which I really like. But have thought about getting a smaller size just for working on length.

I’ve been pumping solid for 6 weeks now with the LA pump and gaining girth really well. Actually, I can now “jack the tube” as I read about @ Tiger Pump info. Thats something I thought I’d never be able to do with a 1 3/4” tube, but now I’m doing it. Also, I’m going to purchase the 5 set Flex-Rings in mixed sizes, in a couple of weeks from PumpToys. I’ll use these after pump sessions to keep the pump for longer periods. Should help seal length gains as well as girth.

I’m really after length more than girth so a smaller tube size would really come in handy for that. But 1 1/2” is a little small on the head (since I’m getting bigger) and a 1 5/8” would be bout perfect! Like Avocet said, I get the smooshed head in a 1 1/2” tube but was wondering,

does it hurt anything to smoosh the head in a smaller tube?? Will it hurt your head any by doing that?

Dav, since you have the Thick Wall tube, do you think they are better for gaining length like Vacuteck says? I wish companies made tubes in 1/8” increments cause I’d get one in a minute.

Anyway, keep going between each of the tubes. The size will increase over time with regular daily use.


Hello ineed9,

The 1 1/2” Thick Walled Tube I ordered from Vacutech is just big enough for me to insert my erect cock with very little room. Because of this, I can’t expand in girth very much so length is the only way I can be pulled and it seems to do that. I’m after both length and girth by the way. What do you mean by “jack the tube”? Never heard that before.



Hey Dav,

That term means to move the tube up and down slowly while you are in to promote/help increase circulation and sensation. I do it after I’ve been in the tube for around 5-10 mins. This stimulates the penis and gets the blood moving. Also creates arousal, kinda cool.

I always do it in between 15 min sets to liven things up a bit. Other than that it’s just fun to do. You can watch the gauge go up and down too. Give it a try and see what you think. Make sure you have a good seal at the bottom and use 3-4 Hg if you like.

Question, Does your head get tight in the 1 1/2” tube? I don’t guess it hurts anything if the head does get a little snug in a smaller tube because it will always come back to normal anyway. Just wondering if it would create any problems over the long haul. Months of pumping I mean.



If you’re smooshing the head some in your tubes, it’s okay so long as you are well lubed. If you’re looking for head girth gain, you can get that using some manual exercises when you’re not pumping. Jelking and Ulis worked for me.

Eventually though, if your head mushrooms out, you’re going to have to consider wider cylinders. The difference between smooshing and squooshing gets uncomfortable.



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