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Note On Cylinder Diameter!!

Note On Cylinder Diameter!!

I have only been pumping for about two weeks now. Prior to purchasing pump and cylinder, I made a concerted effort to “do my homework”. Having read extensively at several PE sites, and having reviewed the “how to measure for a cylinder” sections of several pump company web sites, I thought I had sufficient information to make a proper cylinder purchase.

My EG at mid-shaft was 4.5”. According to all available input, I should need a 1.5” diameter cylinder. Wrong! My base girth was slightly more than 5” and my mushroom head was bigger still. I find the correct diameter tube for mid-shaft is too tight to be comfortable on base and head. Further, I do hydro-pumping, and water can not get below the head of my penis because the head completely blocks off the flow of water.

I think it is important to measure base and head (not just mid-shaft) circumference and use the biggest number to calculate tube diameter. That’s what I intend to do for all future cylinder purchases. As it is, I am already stuck with a $75 tube that is too tight and causes pinching of my penis shaft base and head! :(


I won’t be content until I’ve earned the name!


That does suck! I’m in the process of purchasing my first pumping equipment and have been researching and asking questions too.

The best measurements I can get of myself is 5 1/2” circumference and from what I found out the 1.75” tube is suppose to be my size. My girth is pretty equal up and down the shaft 5 1/4” - 5 1/2”with the base being the thickest at 5 1/2”.

May I ask what brand tube you have and other than the fit are you pretty happy with the overall quality of it? I’m not to familiar with wet pumping and probably will just go the dry route for now.

Thanks & Good luck!

Cylinder purchase

Hi Mr Bulge. I think you will like pumping. Already, I have seen some benefit to it, even though my cylinder is not the ideal size. In my case, the "sealing off" at the opening by base girth and toward the valve end by penis head prevent uniform expansion of the whole shaft under vacuum. Still, I am getting a "pump" with my routine, which leaves me fuller and heavier. Following the sage counsel of folks like Avocet8, I pump short duration (5-10 minutes)at low vacuum pressure (4-6" Hg) followed by a jelk session. Then repeat.

I was advised to be very careful that the cylinder diameter was not too large, in order to avoid sucking a testicle into the tube. There is no chance of that, whatsoever, as my base girth seals off the tube. There is no room for anything to be sucked into the cylinder. Still, I agree that it is important not to have the opening of the tube much larger that your erect base girth. Some people’s penis head is the same size or smaller than their erect shaft. Mine is larger and mushrooms, so the back side of glans gets very tight (smashed) against the inner tube wall under vacuum. This is not ideal, at all.

To answer your question, I bought my cylinder from LA Pump. You can find them at They were not the cheapest, but I liked the flared base (for comfort and easier seal) and the the uniform cylinder diameter. Some cylinders, like those sold by Dr. Joel Kaplan, taper toward the valve. That would have really put the pinch on the old penis head (in my case, anyway).

One final thought. Don’t pay the huge mark-up on the pumps from the online stores. I bought a MightyVacII from a chain auto parts store in town for under $25. The same exact pump goes for $65-85 at various penis pumping sites. You will need to buy a male fitting to go inside the flexible tubing (connects to the cylinder). They run $8-10 from the penis pump places, but can be picked up for next to nothing from Lowe’s or Home Depot (etc.). The MightyVac allows for wet pumping, because it has a fluid catch-cup for draining brake lines and so forth. That prevents liquid from getting into your pump and screwing up the seals. Just fill the cylinder half-way or so with very warm water (if you want to try this), insert your erect penis and pump out the excess air and water.

Good luck to you! Hope you find pumping a useful, gain-producing experience!!


I won’t be content until I’ve earned the name!

Thanks Bigjack for the info!

I plan to follow the short pump/jelq sessions like Avocet8 too. Hopefully it will help the ED and might add some size in the future.

Thanks & Good Luck with your pumping!

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