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Okay, how do we know that it's mostly lymph?

Okay, how do we know that it's mostly lymph?

I keep hearing that pumping only causes a build up of lymph under the skin and above the tunica; hence there is no expansion of the CC and CS and no real gains are to be made.

I just want to know how it was determined that all of the size increase that we see in the cylinder when we’re pumping is due to lymph and none of it due to blood. It would seem to me that at least some of it would be blood.

Avocet has argued that if you go into the tube hard or almost fully hard, then most of the expansion will be blood, not lymph.

I’m just wondering how we know these things. Let’s hear from those that say it’s lymph, as well as those who argue that it can be mostly blood, depending on how we pump.

Why do we all feel as we do?

No one will mis lymph build up as gains. And it’s true aroused, you can feel much more internal pressure.

I mainly use pumping in addtion to dry jelqing, since it mostly puts pressure on the head.

>Why do we all feel as we do?

I know the chambers actually expand because I can feel they are bigger, even under some superficial fluid buildup. Plus, my head gets bigger. Fluid isn’t causing that.

I haven’t pumped consistently or long enough to determine if it alone will give me permanent gains. It may. At the least it works synergistically with manual techiques to produce excellent expansion. Isn’t that the goal in PE? Stretch, squeeze or blow your dick up bigger than normal for long enough and it will grow.

Re: Okay, how do we know that it's mostly lymph?

Originally posted by Metal Ed
I keep hearing that pumping only causes a build up of lymph under the skin and above the tunica; hence there is no expansion of the CC and CS and no real gains are to be made.

I just want to know how it was determined that all of the size increase that we see in the cylinder when we're pumping is due to lymph and none of it due to blood. It would seem to me that at least some of it would be blood.

Hi, Ed;

Hobby is correct. The vacuum does expand the chambers allowing them to fill with more blood than they would normally. Gradually, as you pump over months of time your normal non-pumped erect girth should increase.

When you first start pumping in a session, all the expansion you see is from blood having flowed in. It takes awhile to start pulling lymphatic fluid in and this is the reason a lot of us use shorter pumps (ten minutes or less) rather than longer ones. The longer you remain in the tube, the more lymphatic fluid you are likely to pull in. If you pumped, say, a total of two hours, assuming a few short breaks, the erection you have out of the pump may appear larger than usual but it will be spongier to the touch. Lymphatic fluid has collected under the skin. Since it is not subject to the higher blood pressure that blood is when contained within the cavernosa during a normal erection, you are spongier, even more floppy than hard.



Thanks Avocet.

I take it then, that this is why your routine on the Size page only mentions a 6 minute pump session.

It would seem that repeated session of 5 - 10 minutes, with heat, would be the best way to go.

Allrighty; I’ll try several short (5 - 10 minutes) heated sessions with two handed manual squeezes in between the pumping. Ought to do wonders for my girth. I’ve only been pumping for 4 days and already I’m impressed by the engorgement I get from one 10 minute session at 4 Hg.

If you go to tigerpump you’ll see the corn-dog looking dicks.

It’s like the difference between a bodybuilder and a sumo wrestler.
One is hard and veiny looking, the other looks like Jabba-the-Hut retaining water.

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

jelquing with lymph in dick instead of blood

Is it dangerous or counterproductive to jelq with mainly lymph in the dick as opposed to blood? In I go into the cylinder flacid I’m going to get mainly lymph, not blood - do I have this right?? Can this hurt the CC or actually prevent gains? I’m kind of confused on this issue …



The purpose of pumping, when used for penis enlargement, is to allow greater pressure to build inside the corpora cavernosum (CC), expanding them beyond their normal size and stimulating growth of new cells, thus making the CC chambers (and the penis) larger. By entering the cylinder with the CC already full of blood (that is, by having an erection) the expansion begins as soon as the vacuum is created.

If you enter flaccid, the vacuum assists in filling the CC, but it also puts stress on the veins and lymph capillaries which begin to leak fluid into the surrounding tissue. The leaking of fluid happens with an erection as well, but at a much slower rate because the capillaries are compressed.

Jelqing with fluid in the tissues will not make your dick bigger, it only moves the fluid around. Since the strokes are toward the head of the penis, this moving fluid collects at the sulcus (the groove under the head) and you get the “donut effect.” So it’s more counterproductive than dangerous, but you can avoid that situation by…
a) limiting pumping sessions to 10-20 minutes at a time with breaks between and total time at or less than an hour, and…
b) enter the cylinder erect to reduce the fluid buildup.

Thanks Westla. That makes a lot of sense; it’s what I’ve been doing and will continue to do.

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