Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Pump lightly and then... with a penis ring on.

Pump lightly and then... with a penis ring on.

Gentlemen please enjoy your Labor Day the best you and your family can.

OK, I measured my penis CM and it’s 3. I printed out a Penis cylinder sizing chart, and that puts me on the slimmer side of 1.75”, which I knew already.

I will order that pump diameter tonight.

I pumped with a much larger cylinder and I used a ”Penis Pump Commander Erection Enhancer”.(It didn’t completely stop the testes movement up stream. I would advice against a larger cylinder.)

Simple device that holds the ”pump look” or gives your slimmer and or smaller penis a bit more, especially if fat is covering it, or you just don’t have the mature penis to show veins, etc. Hey, it happens.

After I started pumping lightly given the cylinder is the wrong size, I then….. while being ”entertained by adult material”. As I was, I had the tight enhancer on and then quickly took it off.
I felt the tightness and knew that could cause damage.

I noticed I was a bit thicker for a bit, which was an improvement, but I know I didn’t pump normally and shouldn’t have… while wearing it.

What should I have done correctly next time I pump? I warmed up, used a water based lube, and then…..

I need to get this right, so any advice is appreciative.

erection pump ehancer..webp
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Last edited by Chosendudenyc : 09-03-2007 at .

I think I will buy different sized penis rings. I need a size that will grant room while I pump, and will allow me to cum normally and without pain.

I tell you, now I’m getting serious with this, PE isn’t cheap, even if I research and live in NYC, where there are sex shops that sell PE related items. Just have to find one that has what you seek. I sometimes feel embarrassed going shop-shop in day light lol. But I focus and don’t look at anything else.

I am in the exact same shoes as you are.

I hope someone will comments soon enough.

I find a neoprene cock ring works best for me. has a very large selection of cock rings, You may want to try there. I use their pearl beaded cock ring, which allows a bit of circulation so you can use it for a longer period of time.

Do you have any picture while you wearing the ring when you pumping?

Sorry I was asking dtwarrent1942

Originally Posted by blye10
Sorry I was asking dtwarrent1942

Sorry, I don’t gave pictures. However, I normally pump and then I slide the ring down my lubed shaft upon exiting the cylinder. I loose a little hardness when I exit, but most of it comes back within a few minutes after sliding on the ring. Yesterday, my wife mentioned, for the first time, that I felt bigger inside her than usual. All cock rings I have used make it more difficult to cum. Constriction makes it more difficult for the semen to exit and also reduces sensitivity of the shaft and glans as the nerves become starved from lack of oxygen.

I found my neoprine cock ring at ($12.95). I am about 5” girth wise when I am pumped and use the 1” diameter thick ring. I find silicone is too stretchy/elastic to generate enough constriction to hold the engorgement.


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