It worked well, I thought. Lots of different ideas thrown around and not all related to pumping, which is good. We all come from different directions in this.
Thanks, guys, for participating and to Thunder for joining in. Thunder, btw, helped many of us get into the Chat area. There are a few tricks to learn, but he has posted them at the Chat Forum for everyone to read. Take a look there. Some day you may find the Chat feature useful.
One efficient way to use Chat relates to Personal Messaging. You see that someone is on-line who is working in an area of interest to you. PM him and ask if he has a minute to talk in Chat. It may work out that he does have time; he can then PM you back while you are browsing posts. A cinch, once you learn the system, to meet then in the Chat area and talk directly about whatever.
I learned some good stuff today. Thanks to everyone who participated.