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Pumpin- Sets and lube


Great replies guys!

Firstly, vegetable shortening is a great idea. Haven’t thought of that. It’s something that’s readily available and dirt cheap. That’s what I’m looking for! Actually what Boxcar is using (Glyde from Pumptoys) is a vegetable based product, according to their info.

I think I’ll try some. As for tube size. A 2” would be a bit much right now.
The 1.75” is doing pretty good as my size is about 5.5”- 5.75” at current time. This gives a good length stretch in the tube.

I”m thinking of packing this one first then moving up to a 2” later on.
Avocet, your advice on shorter pump sessions and more jelking is working great.

Just what the doctor ordered! I’ll keep it up and let you guys know progess later on.

Thanks for the excellent advice!!

Happy pumpin!

With most pumps the seal is sensitive to oil based lubricants, and in my experience (albeit limited) K-Y just doesn’t last and Glyde has no rubber or neoprene destroying oils. Works great for sex too.

The shaving cream is an idea that interested me, but I go for rather long sessions- 1-2 hrs. Don’t know if it would last.

Go for the 2 inch tube—you’ll be happy with it.

Probe lube

Avocet, i’m not sure if I asked you where you got the Probe lube you said you’re using. Could you let me know where you got that?



You can get it at most adult stores. Because I use a lot of it for PE and in sex, I buy it from

Condomania | Official Store - Condoms, Lube, Sex Toys

If you sign up for their email list, they will send you "buy 2, get 1 free" notices from time to time. (They are pretty discrete and won’t fill you email box with junk). That way an 8 oz bottle only costs me about $7, plus small shipping. 8 oz should last you a couple of months. Get the "silky" type, not the "thick, rich" which dries a lot faster in PE but is real good for "inside" sex.



Hey, thanks Avocet for the link. I’ll definately get on the mailing list with them for their deal. Been looking at different lubes lately. Tried Crisco that someone suggested but to raw for me.

Looking for all around good lube for both jelking and pumping. Going to check it out now. Pumping sessions are going good, getting a little heftyer now. Will update later on.

Thanks again,


Had you tried the Crisco cooking oil, or shortening? The oil is too rough for me also. I meant the shortening or lord. It looks like a tub of white butter.

Struggling with a peyronies injury during sex and loss of size after having been into PE.

OOpps…. I meant “lard”……

Struggling with a peyronies injury during sex and loss of size after having been into PE.


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