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Pumping and permenant gains

Pumping and permenant gains

does pumping produce permenant gains assuming you do a regular routine as with any pe and do it right without overdoing it.

Exactly, do it right without overdoing it. It is so easy to get into the trap of using the power of the pump to expand yourself way beyond your current size, unfortunately, that type of routine does not promote permanent gains.

Enter the cylinder hard or in the 80-90% range.

Pump up slowly to your target pressure.

Keep your pressure in the 4-5 range. 6 max.

While in the tube, alternate doing hard kegels and milking the tube. Never just sit there doing nothing.

Do multiple sets of 15 minutes each with jelqing or massage in-between sets to restore blood flow and good color.

Finish with jelqing or masturbation to lock in the pump effect. I like to do this, after the pump massage, for at least 15 minutes and 30 is better.

I use an electric heat pad to hot wrap before my routine and to wrap the cylinder with while pumping. It aids in expansion in the tube, eliminates condensation, and feels nice.

Use these tips and your pumping experience will be fun and permanent.

Last edited by gprent101 : 06-21-2004 at .

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