Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Pumping newbie - is extreme pressure at 3Hg normal?

Well I certainly can’t argue with 25 years of pumping experience! I’ll take it slow for the first few months and slowly increase the pressure once I know the sensation I’m shooting for.

The problem for me with “packing the tube” is that it seems like it’s mainly the glans or the base that pack it, which is larger than mid-shaft. But mid-shaft is the real target. So the 1.75” tube puts all the pressure on the glans, but the 2” tube is way harder to get a seal going— I almost have to pump throughout the session just to maintain pressure. For now I’m trying to see if I can stage it (use 1.75” on the first set and 2” on the second)/

First make sure to shave your cock and balls. All hair in the crotch must go. Get a silicone seal ring for your tube. If your gland fills the tube get a bigger tube, not a lot bigger. Make sure you lube up good. Nothing like feeling a pump pull on a dry cock let me tell you. It will take time. This is a way of life. Not a hobby. You will get it.

Lube and even moderate trimming seems to have done the trick as far as sealing. I also notice the seal kicks in better at higher pressure (~3Hg).

This is interesting. I’ve noticed on the larger cylinder I can go up to ~4Hg without feeling tremendous pressure. Maybe this is also due to the fact that I’ve been at it for just about a month now (and maybe two weeks on the larger cylinder), so things are loosening up in general? I’m pretty ignorant on what’s actually happening physically!

I did also notice maybe a 0.1” increase in BPEL. EG is about the same and may have even gone down a bit(!!), which I really don’t understand because my PIs are really good— strong erections every morning after pumping that take several minutes walking around to die down (this after previously having to deal with ED). I also thought the larger cylinder is supposed to be better for EG, which is what I’m going for more than EL. Should I start planning to add in longer sessions (more than two 5-min sets in the tube) to really begin to see the EG gains?

Stay where you are for now. Many guys get good results and then rush to to more. Stay where you are for another 3-4 weeks and then look at adding just a bit more.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Okay, just wanted to be sure. I know scientific studies have shown that pumping can help with ED, but haven’t “proven” actual enlargement. I know many people have gained here by pumping, so I wanted to make sure it wasn’t like I’m doing enough to help with ED, but need more pressure or time for gains.

I’m certainly enjoying the improved erections, but I simply wouldn’t be putting in this kind of time for that alone!

In my case Air Pumping was completely counterproductive in both EQ and gains.
Even 2x2 mins at 2-3Hg was leaving my dick with a dark color(for like 1 week) and EQ dropping and turtled dick for 2 days.
Also 5hg was feeling like my dick was gonna explode…really really big pressure for me.Tried once for like 1 min and never did it again.
I changed to Water pumping and I have all the benefits that a pump should provide.
Better EQ(although I didn t need it in the 1st place) and thicker dick.Also a little darker dick that lasts only some mins.

I just told you my experience in order for you to see if water pumping is working better for you too.

Interesting! I was going to get a bathmate, but bailed after hearing so many mixed reviews. I was particularly concerned about no gauge so you don’t really know how how much pressure you’re using, which I figured would be the most important part of doing it safely. So it sounds like the water pump is actually safer for you??

Ok here is what helps me. I have a small medical air compressor with gauge and water trap just in case I let to much water in. I get into a warm to hot bath. Strecth a little then fire up my pump ,put cylinder over cock ,let just enough water in to cover my cock and start my standard pump session.

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Last edited by piercedkeith : 02-11-2020 at .

Originally Posted by Pe_is_an_art
In my case Air Pumping was completely counterproductive in both EQ and gains.,
Even 2x2 mins at 2-3Hg was leaving my dick with a dark color(for like 1 week) and EQ dropping and turtled dick for 2 days.
Also 5hg was feeling like my dick was gonna explode…really really big pressure for me.Tried once for like 1 min and never did it again.
I changed to Water pumping and I have all the benefits that a pump should provide.
Better EQ(although I didn t need it in the 1st place) and thicker dick.Also a little darker dick that lasts only some mins.

I just told you my experience in order for you to see if water pumping is working better for you too.

Have you checked your gauge to see if it’s accurate?

When you say 2-3Hg, are you talking about inHg, or some other unit?

Some countries use different units on their pressure gauges, usually it’s in mmHg or inHg, but not always.

Starting: 7"bplx5.2" 2017 (shrunk from disuse)(originally 8"bplx4.5", gained to 9"bplx6")

Current: 9.0"bplx6.125" 2020

Goal: 11.5"bplx7" 2021.

It should go without saying that pain is bad, but am I correct in assuming that a strong feeling of tension is good? That is, shouldn’t we be stopping before pain, but still be relatively close to it?

Originally Posted by Dannydx300

It should go without saying that pain is bad, but am I correct in assuming that a strong feeling of tension is good? That is, shouldn’t we be stopping before pain, but still be relatively close to it?

Yes you should have a strong feeling and I guess tension is a way of describing it. Pain is never good. Over time your dick will get conditioned to the vac pressure you are working at and the intense feeling will lessen. This will also allow you to reduce vac pressure from say a -3inHg to -5inHg if you choose to do so. I’m using this example as some have reported that -3inHg is as far as they could go at the time.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Originally Posted by piercedkeith
Ok here is what helps me. I have a small medical air compressor with gauge and water trap just in case I let to much water in. I get into a warm to hot bath. Strecth a little then fire up my pump ,put cylinder over cock ,let just enough water in to cover my cock and start my standard pump session.

Looks like your at 10hg? I can do 10 hg but I find too much fluid build up.

After pumping for so long I don’t feel anything until I hit 10. I start at 10 and let my cock get a good stretch. After 5 min I go to 15. I will stay there for 10 min and stop. Pull out kegel stretch and then back in and start over. Some times I don’t feel anything until 15. Some days are different.

Last edited by piercedkeith : 02-17-2020 at .

One thing I’ll mention is some of the eBay pumps have a setting of 3hg, but they pump way more as they are not really high quality.

So be careful, I made this mistake myself.

Originally Posted by piercedkeith
After pumping for so long I don’t feel anything until I hit 10. I start at 10 and let my cock get a good stretch. After 5 min I go to 15. I will stay there for 10 min and stop. Pull out kegel stretch and then back in and start over. Some times I don’t feel anything until 15. Some days are different.

Damn sounds like your dick is used too a lot of pressure. How much length and girth do you think you’ve gained over the years due to such high pumping pressure tolerance?


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