Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Pumping Question


I am sorry but I am lost, But wan to be found.

1.75” tube=3.14* 1.75=5.5.

I almost got this but I just want to know the right way to calculate my penis size= tube choosing to make the Right choice , I want to learn the methods of calculating this for the future as well.

If you can break it down for me bit my bit when you have the time, I would really appreciate it.

In the meantime I am going to keep working on it myself.

Thanks again.

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Here you go. I don’t think I can explain better than this.

Measure circumference (girth) of your unit by using a measurement tape and wrapping it around your dick at its thickest point (usually the base).
For your dick to fit properly into the tube, the tube’s inner circumference has to be greater than your dick circumference.
You said that your dick’s circumference (girth) was 5.25”.
Therefore if you use a tube with 1.75” diameter, your dick will fit in that tube because 1.75” diameter tube has 5.5” inner circumference which is greater than 5.25”.

A 2” diameter tube will have 6.3” circumference (2”*3.14=6.3). So 2” tube is definitely too big for 5.25” girth.

Going the other way around, the minimum diameter of a tube that would fit you is your girth divided by pi (3.14). In your case it’s 5.25”/3.14 = 1.67”. So any tube with a diameter greater than 1.67” will accommodate your dick just fine. The closest standard diameter that is sold out there is 1.75”, so you need to buy it.

Stats (bp) 2004/08/19 8.0 X 5.5" 2005/08/29 8.2 X 5.8" Goal - I am good for now

Thanks, That made perfect sense.
So what tube would you recommend , I am 5.25 girth at base

Can you give some links to pump sellers online, I know about the La Pumps, But is there any other reputable companies out there.
I saw a link on here a few days ago and this site said the had the most comfortable tubes. But they were like 100+ for just the tubes.and like $400
For the whole setup .
Do you know what site this is?

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