Originally Posted by thegoat
What can I expect from increasing the time in the tube. I am planning to increase the first two sets and decrease the last one, to keep the total time the same. But I wonder what will be the difference between lets say 15 min in the tube, and 20 or 25 minutes ? I just feel there wont be any noticeable difference, but I could be wrong
Interesting point you brought up here. I’m reaching a point where I can pack my tube of 2.5inch in diameters after 15 mins of pumping at 4mmHg pressure. This is only possible due to the great deal of edema.
1) Is pumping despite edema is detrimental to gains?
2) Should I split my sets - stop just prior to edema and continue the second set later.
3) Will prolonged pumping cause my unit to become conditioned to pumping, longer pumping with less edema?