Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Question about pump discomfort


OR eon:

Thanks for the very helpful posts. When I started pumping I bought two cylinders, pretty much for the reasons you suggest (one is 8”x1.75”, and the other 10”x 2”). Trouble is, I haven’t yet had any cause to use the larger one. I pump 2 days on, one off, 5 sets of 8 mins. at 6-7hg (where I’m very comfortable). I do manual stretches and massage between sets. My erect girth is 5”, and I’m just about to log my 100th pumping session. But I’m still not packing the smaller tube.

As I mentioned in an earlier post — “Slow to Gain; Advice Welcome” — I seem to be among the slowest gainers on the planet, and at present I’m working on a new stretch-and-pump routine, which I hope to post by and by. For the moment, prompted by OR eon’s post about packing the cylinder and then moving up, I’m wondering what people’s experience is with respect to how quickly they manage to pack a cylinder.

I have packed about half of my penis in the tube in one months time. I go in hard every time, with lots of vaseline on my penis. Seems to work pretty well for me.


Going for 7.5X6, then 8.5X6.5, then who knows. Girth Brooks - "Didn't get any real gains until I started shutting my cock in a car door and then falling back."


If you can do without the eye candy just get a 12” piece of 2”pvc, an end cap and flare the base with broom handle/heat. Drill hole in cap the root diameter of a hex barb tubing fitting and thread it in. Total cost $4.


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