Ready to order a pump,but having BIG TROUBLES....
After reading the pumpers section for the last few days,LA pumpers seems to be the go to place to buy pumps.
The only problem is that I have webtv,and it will not allow me to see the pumps they have.For those who are not familiar with webtv,its just a small box that you hook up to your tv and get the internet on.But there are many things that that you cant read or watch on a webtv that you can on a computer.
So I am hoping you guys will help me find a pump that suits my needs.I would deeply appreciate it.
Im about 6.25-6.5 nonbonepressed erect and 5 inches in girth.
Though I would like to make gains in both dimensions(length and girth),I am really looking to increase my girth,and diameter if possible.
I really dont understand the difference between a pump with water and just a regular pump.I guess the pump with water is better? I have read of people pumping while in a tub,and I am guessing that this is for the non water pumps.I am 100% unable to pump in a tub,so if water does help,then I guess a water pump would be the best option.
As for the cost,there is no limit on what I will spend.I have bought 2 pumps before,both cheap ones I seen out of magazines,and wasted my time and money on both,so I am trying to get the best one possible.
Also,do you guys know if LA pumps will ship to a PO Box?Last time I had a pump sent to my house,my parents found it.Not a good feeling,trust me.
Thanks in advance,Hope to hear from you guys soon.