Thunder's Place

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Safely conditioning your penis for pumping

Safely conditioning your penis for pumping

Hi, several weeks ago I bought a pump and pumped twice every other day for 12 mins around 4-5hg after doing advanced manual stretches. Whilst in the cylinder my length went past my BPEL by 0.25”, as I was packed pumping for length, which was really great to see. I’m confident if I could continue to pump past my BPEL regularly that this would gradually translate to BPEL gains. The only issue is that after these sessions there would be a lot of red dots covering my shaft (the term I’ve seen used around here begins with a ‘P’, but the word escapes me). I heard that this can lead to discolouration, which isn’t something I want, so I rested for 3 weeks. I’ve since come back to pumping once every other day for 10 minutes at 3hg. That was two weeks ago and there hasn’t been any red spots since.

So, to get to the actual question:

How does one safely progress from here? Do you increase the duration of the set first, rather than the pressure? And when is it safe to add another set to the workout?

My goal would be to reach 5hg for 15-20 minutes without any red spots and I’m aware this will take time. Eventually I’d looking into marathon pumping, but that’s atleast 12 months away.

Thanks, KFH.

07/10/14 - 6.5" BPEL - 5.5" MsEG

29/01/15 - 7" BPEL - 5.5" MsEG

12/10/17 - 7.4" BPEL - 5.6" MsEG

Work firstly on time before start messing with pressure.

The pressure gap between 3” and 6”Hg is the sweet spot and is the interval that could be considered “safe” from setbacks. From reports, growth commonly happened between 4 and 5”Hg.

Start 6.8ā€ x 4.7ā€ (4.9" BEG)

Latest 8.2ā€ x 5.1ā€ (5.3" BEG)

My pictures

My suggestion would be to try what I call incremental pumping. Spend the first 5 minutes at 3”hg, then increase to 4”hg for 5 more minutes and then increase to 5”hg for the last 5 minutes.

As you get conditioned to that, you can start increasing your time at the last pressure of 5”hg until you reach the total time limit you have set for yourself.

Always start your sessions at a low pressure and work your way up incrementally.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

What is it when more than one cylinder is used?

Originally Posted by geo3
What is it when more than one cylinder is used?

Are you thinking about staging? That is when you start off with say a 1.75” cylinder and after packing it, switch over to continue pumping with a 2.0” cylinder.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Originally Posted by Lenny
Work firstly on time before start messing with pressure.

The pressure gap between 3” and 6”Hg is the sweet spot and is the interval that could be considered “safe” from setbacks. From reports, growth commonly happened between 4 and 5”Hg.

Hmmm, interesting.

I’m fairly new to the vacuum pumping scene and have been pumping at 7HG for a total of about 30 minutes; three sets of seven minutes each. So far, almost no donut and no red spots. So, at 7HG, is that outside of the range for growth? If so, i will dial it back down. Additionally, how do you keep the tube from falling off at pressures under 5HG? Although i am quite packed in the tube, I find I lose suction below 5HG, thus the reason I went to 7HG.

Current: 7.5 BPEL, 6 BEG, 5.5 MSEG, 5 NBPFL, 5 FG, 8.25 BPFSL

Long term goal: 8 BPEL, 6 BEG, 6 MSEG, 5.5 NBPFL, 5 FG

Thanks for the advice guys. I’m going to increase my time in the cylinders by adding 1-2 minutes per week until I hit 20 mins at 3hg.

Once I’ve hit that, my plan is to continue with the 20 minute session but with the last five minutes at 4hg. Then adding 1 minute per session at 4hg until I hit 5mins at 3hg and 15 mins at 4hg. Then, I’ll keep the first 5 minutes at 3hg, the next 10 mins at 4hg and the last 5mins at 5hg. Again, adding 1 minute per session at 5hg until I reach 15mins at 5hg. That should be a safe way to condition myself to 20min sessions at 5hg without receiving red spots.

Once conditioned, do you guys think it’s unsafe or counterproductive to jump straight into 5hg pressure for 20 minute sessions or should you always start at 3hg for a few minutes to ease your penis into a higher pressure for the rest of the session?

07/10/14 - 6.5" BPEL - 5.5" MsEG

29/01/15 - 7" BPEL - 5.5" MsEG

12/10/17 - 7.4" BPEL - 5.6" MsEG

Thanks gPrent

That’s it.

Originally Posted by K_F_H
Once conditioned, do you guys think it’s unsafe or counterproductive to jump straight into 5hg pressure for 20 minute sessions or should you always start at 3hg for a few minutes to ease your penis into a higher pressure for the rest of the session?

I think it is always a good idea, no matter how well conditioned you are, to start off by spending a few minutes at the lower pressures before settling in at your target pressure and time.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Conditioning for pumping - GREAT topic, thanks for posting. Here are my comments:

Petechia: A petechia, plural petechiae, is a small (1ā€“2 mm) red or purple spot on the skin, caused by a minor bleed from broken capillary blood vessels. (from Wikipedia)

Conditioning is important to prevent injury and involves several parts of the body:
skin: loosening and softening of the skin to allow expansion while preventing tears and abrasions;
blood capillaries: enlarge to increase circulation and flexibility while preventing petechiae;
lymphatic vessels: enlarge to increase circulation and flexibility while preventing blisters or “donut”.

As already mentioned, lower amounts of vacuum and less amount of time helps in conditioning. Another technique you might consider is short interval pumping - pump, hold briefly, then release and repeat. For skin, I like coconut oil, shea butter and cocoa butter.

The biggest challenge to proper conditioning is having the self-discipline to pump enough (daily) but not too much time or vacuum. Often times we see impressive expansion in the cylinder and we don’t have the good sense to stop before an injury.

^ Thanks for the post Mike, very informative. Ah, that’s the word I was looking for: ‘petechia’!

I’ve tried slowly increasing time in the cylinder by 1 minute per week and reached 14 minutes but unfortunately the petechiae reared their ugly head again. So, I’m going to try some of that interval pumping you mentioned Mike, but break it up into three sessions with 30 second rests in between. I’ll still add 1 minute per week until the three intervals add up to 20 minutes. Then I’ll turn the three intervals into two 10 minute sessions at 3hg with a 30 second rest between and eventually I should be able to join those two together until I can do 20 minutes at 3hg with no petechai. After that I’ll focus on increasing the pressure.

I’m not sure I’m conditioned enough to do daily pumping! Or maybe I need to do so in order to be conditioned?

07/10/14 - 6.5" BPEL - 5.5" MsEG

29/01/15 - 7" BPEL - 5.5" MsEG

12/10/17 - 7.4" BPEL - 5.6" MsEG

Originally Posted by K_F_H
^ Thanks for the post Mike, very informative. Ah, that’s the word I was looking for: ‘petechia’!

I’ve tried slowly increasing time in the cylinder by 1 minute per week and reached 14 minutes but unfortunately the petechiae reared their ugly head again. So, I’m going to try some of that interval pumping you mentioned Mike, but break it up into three sessions with 30 second rests in between. I’ll still add 1 minute per week until the three intervals add up to 20 minutes. Then I’ll turn the three intervals into two 10 minute sessions at 3hg with a 30 second rest between and eventually I should be able to join those two together until I can do 20 minutes at 3hg with no petechai. After that I’ll focus on increasing the pressure.

I’m not sure I’m conditioned enough to do daily pumping! Or maybe I need to do so in order to be conditioned?

Take your time with normal days off. Iā€™d almost recommend getting a new pump to make sure your vacuum readings are accurate.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Are you using a constant heat source?

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

^ Thanks for the input Titleist. I’m fairly sure the gauge on the pump is correct, but I’m happy to buy another one just incase. I am performing advanced stretches before I pump - tension stretches and a couple of mandingo stretches. Is it possible that doing these may be making the blood vessels within my penis temporarily more fragile and therefore making me more prone to petechiae when I pump? Or perhaps doing these advanced stretches before pumping is actually helping reduce petechiae by ‘limbering’ up my penis - so to speak.

Good point Titleist, I’m starting to think heat may play a vital role in conditioning. Currently, I wrap my penis in a hot cherry seed bag for 7 minutes and then perform my stretches. During that time I wrap the hot cherry seed bag around the bottom on the cylinder which warms it up somewhat. Once finished with the stretching, I enter the pump and get into a hot bath I’ve run earlier and submerge the airpump under the hot water and complete my pumping session.

I sometimes forget to wrap the cylinder in the hot cherry seed bag before doing my stretches. What I’ve noticed in the last few days is that I am more prone to petechiae when I forgot to do this, even when I am submerged under hot water in my pump. The cherry seed bag cools down relatively quickly and by the time I enter the cylinder is it only luke-warm.

I’m currently searching for a suitably-sized USB heating pad that I can wrap around the cylinder beforehand so it is actually hot, rather than luke-warm, when I enter it.

07/10/14 - 6.5" BPEL - 5.5" MsEG

29/01/15 - 7" BPEL - 5.5" MsEG

12/10/17 - 7.4" BPEL - 5.6" MsEG

Originally Posted by Titleist
Take your time with normal days off. Iā€™d almost recommend getting a new pump to make sure your vacuum readings are accurate.

More or less related:

I changed my pumping “strategy” a bit. As a newbie I’ve been conditioning my cock with the 5 mins in 3->4->5 hg and I am at 5minute mark at final, the “work pressure” atm. Well I was, everything was good earlier in that pressure, not even slightest red spotting anymore, maybe one small max.

This change from my previous “working” pressure of around 3hg to 5hg made me start to hit the end of my previous tube, which made me upgrade to a proper high quality pumping set. Yesterday I was excited to do my pumping routine and I was really amazed how well the new pump keep pressure and didn’t leak at all, which my old one did a bit. I was a bit more sore than usual, but nothing major difference in feeling and certainly no pain, but maybe a bit closer to pain than usual.

Long story short, after I was done, my cock looked like it had exploded in the tube and I got brown dotting everywhere and even one larger black dot. Also I started developing fluid build up in one area, which I have never experienced before. All the pressures and times were exactly the same, but this was a good lesson not to trust the pressure gauges of the cheap pumps, pretty sure my session wasn’t even close to the pressure I was used to.

After a well slept night, the dotting is getting smaller and the bigger black dot is now light brown, there is no fluid anymore and my cock feels more or less like normal, but definitely seems fluffier than usual :P So not a big “injury”, but probably made me loose tomorrows scheduled pumping session, gottta get rid of all of these dozens of dots first :) In hindsight, should’ve had shorter session with new tube and not just do whatever I was at atm in my “schedule”.

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