Should I Pump
Ok, in another post, I said I wanted to pump.
What I really want is more length, some girth wouldnt hurt, but im much more satisfied with my girth (close to 6”) than I am with my length (5.5”). I have started hanging and have been doing it for about 3 weeks now. Though it does SEEM a bit bigger, I have not measured for the fear of being disappointed, which I have been countless times in the past :( Anyways, I PowerJelq and Hang 5 days a week. I was looking at my hard-on the other day and it looked like the head wanted to almost rip out of the skin or something. Maybe my capillaries, veins, etc just arent stretching or something? Probably totally against any medical reason, LoL, but thats just what I was thinking….or hoping. I thought to myself, maybe pumping will help these guys stretch out and give more room for blood to get in, combined with PJing and stretching, BAM! Hopefully SOME gains!
However, most people record mostly girth gains and not very much length gains. Is it worth spending 120$ on this or should I just stick to my Hanging/PJing routine?
And is my little “theory” right? Probably not….LoL