Simple Bathmate modification to improve performance and comfort.
I have had a Bathmate for about six months now, but I very rarely use it because I find that it gets extremely uncomfortable when my "turkey neck" and the chord in my ball sack gets sucked into the tube after a few pumps.
I have tried messing around with different angles and pulling my scrotum down while pumping, but the same thing always happens. Then, while doing random google searches for a solution, I stumbled across this at Pegym. http://www.pegy … html#post240557
I haven’t tried it yet (still looking for the right material), but I believe this could be the solution a lot of people on this site are looking for. Even if one does not experience discomfort while using the Bathmate, this modification looks like it could focus all the vacuum pressure on the penis itself as opposed to a lot of it being spread to the surrounding skin, thus making it more effective at the very least. What do you guys think? Has anyone tried anything similar?