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Sleep pump


Sleep pump

I know this probably isn’t adviseable but has anyone slept with their pump on? I really don’t have time for an effective pump so I was thinking on pumping to 5hg and settting a timer for 3 hours wake up and remove the pump

Starting BPEL= 6.7 " EG= 6.5"

July 2016 BPEL=7" EG=6.75"

Goal NBPEL=8" x EG=7"

The danger involved in this path is great.

From what I understand it could work out, 5hg seems like a lot for something you’re not going to monitor, but even at 2 or 1hg it’s a very real possibility that you’ll end up with a dick that doesn’t work.

Edit: I have fallen asleep with it on twice unintentionally and woken up ~45 minutes in. Fluid buildup and a huge doughnut that was uncomfortable for days were the result.

Last edited by Jawbone : 05-29-2011 at .

Dude 1 or 2 does nothing for me.5 is decent. Sometimes I go 7 or 10.

Starting BPEL= 6.7 " EG= 6.5"

July 2016 BPEL=7" EG=6.75"

Goal NBPEL=8" x EG=7"

Sometimes I wonder how accurate these gauges are. 7 to 10 would explode my dick. When I get to 12 the compression of the tube against my body hurts. I’d still recommend doing this with a very very low hg that does nothing and ramping up and adjusting yourself to unmonitored PE.

I’m not going to repeat my warning of the utter tragic outcome of this idea.
Read my very first post entitled “Injury Caution”

The real problem with this idea is not about hg level, but loss of circulation for more than 15 mins.
You might as well go to sleep with a tourniquet around your dick.

Jawbone I hear you about the accuracy of gauge but I have 2 with the same settings it’s possible both are wrong.

Starting BPEL= 6.7 " EG= 6.5"

July 2016 BPEL=7" EG=6.75"

Goal NBPEL=8" x EG=7"

It’s possible.

It’s also possible that different people react differently to the same force levels, which is why it’s good to start on the low end of things and work your way up (mentioned as a cautionary note to anyone thinking about trying higher levels of force).

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by tinytim
I’m not going to repeat my warning of the utter tragic outcome of this idea.
Read my very first post entitled “Injury Caution”

The real problem with this idea is not about hg level, but loss of circulation for more than 15 mins.
You might as well go to sleep with a tourniquet around your dick.

From what it seems like, circulation in the penis during lower pressure sessions doesn’t seem to be compromised as severely as say, clamping.

Clamping seems to restrict blood flow a lot more. Leave a clamp on and your dick goes purple. Leave a pump on and your lymphatic system builds up, and that is what I believe would prevent your circulatory system from doing the shit it needs to do during a pumping session. I’m really on this preventing lymphatic buildup thing now.

So in part a lot is about HG level, but it’s more about leaving your dick unmonitored for longer than 15 minutes in a PE device. It’s just not worth the negatives without thorough monitored testing for the duration that you want to do unmonitored PE.

Just my 2 cents worth.

In my experience laying on my back eliminates most or at least slows lymphatic swelling *alot*. Its all about keeping my penis above my heart IMO

Originally Posted by Smertrios
In my experience laying on my back eliminates most or at least slows lymphatic swelling *alot*. Its all about keeping my penis above my heart IMO

Wait so having your penis in the air like um >’-|o?

Originally Posted by TheBigLurk
I know this probably isn’t adviseable but has anyone slept with their pump on? I really don’t have time for an effective pump so I was thinking on pumping to 5hg and settting a timer for 3 hours wake up and remove the pump

Are you crazy?
Don´t do this!

Obviously dangerous to leave it unmonitored and if at a high enough pressure to hinder circulation, you would end up starving your unit of oxygen.
But I would have to say low pressure at about 2hg for an hour and a half tops if doing it while asleep.

Why not try 30 minutes the first night and slowly build up to a safe range over a week or so?
Then you can monitor it over a longer period of time to view the positives and negatives.


Current Stats: 6.9BPEL/6.4NBPEL 5.5MEG.

Current Goal: 7BPEL/6.5NBPEL 5.75MEG.

An outlet timer at the Menards store here cost less than $7 a couple years ago. Wal-Mart should have them I would think.

There is no safe way to do PE while sleeping.

You may get away with it for a while, or you may not, but one day something nasty will happen.

Originally Posted by tinytim
I’m not going to repeat my warning of the utter tragic outcome of this idea.
Read my very first post entitled “Injury Caution”

The real problem with this idea is not about hg level, but loss of circulation for more than 15 mins.
You might as well go to sleep with a tourniquet around your dick.

I couldn’t find that post. But I subscribe your point. Even if circulation isn’t completely blocked, prolonged low oxygenation isn’t going to do any good. Plus, the quality of your sleep will be compromised.

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