So Stoked!
WOHOO!!! I FINALLY GOT MY PUMP! Well, it came 2 days ago. Anyways, tried it out for the first time today, not a real session, just sort of like an orientation to the whole thing. While pumping tho, I immediately had a few questions I need to ask you vets :
1) The Balls
Ok, I’ve heard of the problem of one or both balls getting sucked into the tube. I do NOT have that problem, but my right ball feels some pain. Its not a pulling pain, but rather feels like someone gently kicked me in the right nut. Will I grow used to this pain or something? I’ve tried sliding the tube a little higher but same thing. Its quite bearable, but when I was done and touched it, it had the same type of pain of a nice shot to the nuts, though in a much lower degree.
2) Pumping to Pleasure
The system that I got was very nice. It has a little thing on the guage that shows a green line of where you should be at and a red to show that most pumpers are not able to handle it. Well, the red line is about 4hg and the red around 7hg. I was pumping and pumped it up to the green line and just stared at my dick. I thought all was good and watched some birds. Then, I remembered hearing advocat8 saying that you should pump to pleasure, and I wasnt feeling any type of arousal. So I pumped and pumped….up to the red line, feeling some sensation until I hit 8hg. That felt real nice and I didnt want to go above that for fear of doing something bad. Well, I’ve heard that you shouldnt go more than 6hg, but I dont feel pleasure until at least 7hg. Should I go with my instinct of pleasure or what I’ve read to get the best results?
3) Tunica/Ligs
I’ve been told not to jelq too much because it strengthens the tunica making it hard to gain erect length when you have a low LOT like me. I was wondering if pumping would have this same hindering affect or if it would help in stretching out the ligs and tunica?
Thats all guys, thanks a lot….