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Staying hard in tube/ball stretching

Staying hard in tube/ball stretching

Like many people I recognize the importance of staying erect in the tube. My two means of doing this have been “Milking the Tube” (thanks to vets like Gprent for the tips) and porn.

Like many others with a tight ballsac, I have also spent a bit of time trying to stretch it out, in addition to my PE regimen (thanks to Vets like PEforreal for advice on Ball Pumping.)

Has anyone here tried combining the two concepts? That is, using Ball Stretching as a sort of masturbatory aid (like Milking the Tube) to stay erect in the tube, as well as getting fully erect for entering the tube between sets?

I have, and the results have been excellent. Here is what I do:

I have two leather ball straps/stretchers, one 1.5” and one 2” or so. After warm up and light manual strecthing — just before entering the tube, I put on a ball strap and additionally tug on my balls, sort of pushing down on the strap like it is a harness, REALLY giving my balls a downward stretch. It actually feels good, and helps me to get a harder erection.

I especially like this ball play in between sets after doing light jelqing. It really gets me hard and helps re-entering the tube fully erect.

I have been using this aggressive ballplay stuff, in tandem with the occassional ball pumping session and wearing a wrap (like the Ace Bandage, again thanks vets like Avocet8 and Peforeal for those ideas, too) during the day.

The results? My nutsack has gone from being smallish to being longish with a lot of hang. I LOVE IT! Also, I am able to stay in the tube longer because my erections entering the tube are harder so I have less lymph swell.

Seems like a win-win to me!

As you can see from his avatar, Cdr. Blop finally achieved ball-hang nirvana, got them tangled in his boots, and was flattened on his back during reviews.

Good suggestions, Cdr.



I am always tight in the am but buy noon I hang very low even low by evening I don’t wear underwaer unless goning out or to show off


Originally Posted by avocet8
As you can see from his avatar, Cdr. Blop finally achieved ball-hang nirvana, got them tangled in his boots, and was flattened on his back during reviews.

Good suggestions, Cdr.

I wonder if he ever flushed the toilet while still sitting on it and it sucked his balls down the toilet whole. I bet that would be painful.

I can not believe what some people will try to get big.

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