Stuffing tube to increase girth
I was just curious if stuffing a pumper’s tube such that you block your penis from lengthening beyond a certain point would help to accelerate girth gains?
I believe length is easier to achieve than girth because length gains increase total penis volume only a fraction of the amount girth gains do. In other words, lets say by whatever exercises you do the total VOLUME of your penis increases at a constant rate. Then you would see an increase in length much easier than an increase in girth because girth increases take much more volume than length increases do. Does that make sense?
By my calculations, if a 6-inch penis gained an inch in girth it’s total volume would increase roughly 7.5 times MORE than if it gained an inch in length.
In my particular situation, I bought a pump and it worked great for initial length gains (I know I may be kindof rare). After a 3 weeks I gained a little more than 1/2 inch in length. This is after a year of fairly unsuccessful gains using other techniques. I’m really happy about this, but because I’m slightly below average in girth (~4.6) I want to focus on girth. However, my length gains seem to keep coming (but slower now) and I don’t have much girth improvement at all.
I think pumping works to increase total volume at a constant rate. However, in my case, because girth occurs so slowly compared to length (mathematically), length may appear to hog all the gains, whereas girth get none (or very little) of the constant total volume increase…
By this philosophy, if one blocked the length gains, girth gains would actually increase…what do you think about this?