3M Micropore Tape questions
Backstory first: I have recently been pumping and I have a small problem with perhaps too much skin, under-side of the penis but below the glans.
When pumping I have tried condom pumping and still use one on my first pumping round. Sometimes using one on the second round using 5, 6 and 7 mmHg… sometimes 6, 7 and 8 mmHg. I use heat using a ComfyTemp Wrapping Heating Pad for Pain Relief 7”x 14” Mini Electric Heating Pad with Strap (That strap is money being able to secure around the LeLuv pump.) I usually do 15 to 20-minute sets, with edging for 10-15 minutes to help with the edema.
I am currently packing the 1.75” x 9” tube just to under the glans, and I do want a bigger glans by the way.
Currently up to 7 1/8 or 18.0975cm at max pumping. With condom pumping, I am not even coming close to that. Even with using Trojan Magnum condoms. So depending on my mood, I use condoms only for the 1st & 2nd rounds then none for the 3rd round of pumping. Usually, get a doughnut going all the way around just under the glans. I don’t mind it. I just don’t want to grow that skin. I have experimented by putting a pinhole in the top of the condom, then ever so gently getting the glans to poke through the hole. I did it for the first time ever flawlessly. But not so successful on other tries. I may try using a pair of scissors to cut a tiny hole in the top and see how that goes. However, condom pumping
So… I looked into sheath pumping. Just received in the mail the Zen Hanger Sheaths and started tinkering with the assorted set and the small (4) 1” soft ones. So far, because of the suction, I can’t get that skin to behave and stay under the sheath near the glans. They are pretty expensive initially, but thinking if I can get them dialed in, cheaper than condom pumping, and in theory, feel sooo much better skin-wise. I thought of trying to cut a curve on the top part of the sheath and leave material on the underside but was scared to because these things are pricey.
- I can achieve 7” max pumping a lot easier (Over a 30 min. period at minimum & 3 sets) with nothing at all.
- Takes a bit more time If I condom pump
- Tried the sheath pumping and that’s a bear to get dialed in but still new to using the sheaths did get to Max length fairly easy with a little effort.
So enter into the conversation, 3M Micropore tape.
1. I don’t know if I should tape up the skin with a few wraps under the glans then put on the sheath
2. Micropore tape under the glans only
3. Micropore tape with a condom with the hole
Much appreciated on any advice.