OR eon;
Like it or not, there has to be censorship of some sort in every moderated forum, of which this is one, and for constructive reasons.
Without question, the reaction to “extreme pumping” galleries here in posts has been negative. This is of course a matter of taste/preference; nobody is telling you what you or others can or cannot like.
However, far more important to me than matters of taste (and I think to Thunder and to other pumping enthusiasts who have experienced both gains and improved penile function would agree) is that this forum encourage sensible pumping practices and that it also encourage, not discourage, men new to the idea to give vacuum pumping a try. The galleries showing distorted penile tissue are a discouragement to newbies who see those results as what they are destined to get, and that is the reason you will find that links to them will be edited out.
You and I both know that distortion is not a necessary result of pumping. If you want to create links to distortion, do that somewhere else than in Thunders Pumpers’ Forum.