To Pump or not to pump?
Hi all,
I am 3 months in to serious PE (daily). I have some modest gains in length and girth from hanging and Uli#3s.
My EQ is all over the place (sometimes rock hard, often not) but at 48 and recently divorced this is most likely not just physical.
I am now 7.2” BPEL on a good day and 5.2” EG on a good day. At this stage girth gains are more important to me.. My goal is 5.6” EG on a bad day and 6” EG on a good day with a cock ring.
I am considering the Bathmate but I have read very mixed reviews on pumping from senior people on this forum who I respect a great deal.
It seems that most senior members warn about decreased EQ from pumping, at least when it’s overdone. On the other hand, some members report increased EQ and girth. It seems that the people who have seen positive results use lower pressures (say 3Hg) for longer sessions.
I would be very interested to hear about people’s experiences with pumping in regard to permanent gains and EQ, including some insight into their routine (time and pressure).
I would particularly like to hear *why* the nay-sayers have formed their negative opinions. Is is because of personal experience, reports they have read or simply because Jelqing is just as effective?