To answer your questions:
“Yes what is your unpumped size and what is your pumped size?”
Pumped erect length in cylinder = 7.875 inches (temporary)
Pumped erect length out of cylinder = 7.50 inches (permanent)
Pumped erect girth (base) out of cylinder = 7.5 - 7.75 inches (temporary)
Unpumped erect length = 7.50 inches (permanent)
Unpumped erect girth (base) = 7.0 inches (permanent)
“And was your pumped size the same after first time you pumped or how long it took to get there?”
Answer: It took many months to get consistent and lasting results.
“Did you do any PE at the same time you were pumping?”
Answer: The first year of on-off again, irregular pumping, I did not do any other PE. Since then I’ve used all forms of PE, concentrating mostly on dryjelqs with pumping.
“Do you think pumping will increase your PE results?”
Answer: Based on my personal experiences, YES.