Thunder's Place

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I’ve been pumping for about 2 years now (along with jelqing). That has been my consistent routine. 10-12 minutes of jelqing , followed by 25-30 mins of a continuous pump. I’ve been doing this 4 days/week

with low pressure for 25-30 straight continuous minutes. I took a 2 week break because of vacation, got back into it slowly. But now I’m a week in and my veins (I think they’re veins, but it seems like a cartilage feel) have been swollen or pumped for days and have not gone down. The location is directly below the glands or head and feels rubbery, almost like a thick wire. I also notice that my girth has stayed pumped much longer after my pumping sessions. Is this a injury to my veins or surrounding soft tissue? It doesn’t hurt and doesn’t affect my erections at all. Ejaculations have been normal. If anything my penis looks bigger. Any thoughts?

You’ve likely enlarged or inflamed a lot of your lymph vessels. It’s not a big deal, but you may want to go easier and also make sure to massage any of those hardened “cord” feeling things. Search around the site for “clogged lymph vessels”. I had one that seemed like it took forever to go away. And I can feel another one, in a totally different place, after a good hard clamping or pumping workout. This one goes away really quickly every time though. It’s like when I feel it, I know I’ve done just about enough work for one session.

Thanks. The cords are still there but went down alittle. I’m still exercising. This one little hard “bump’ still exists. Any idea what this is and had to get rid of it?

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