Thunder's Place

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Vitallus plus


I jus bought the cylinder and I’m getting beat up for it, if someone wants to buy the system and provide a review, more power to you and yours

Sorry 7 soft, wasn’t really happy with the product, was salty with buyers remorse if you wanted pic for a d-i-y, then that was what you should have asked

Reply With Pics

So here is a pic of the vitallus cylinder,

(227.5 KB, 113 views)

So do we have any earthly idea what this tube is made of, I think it would be interesting to make tubes out of this material or similar flexible materials

Well I’m off to google

Just incase anyone is interested in the VitalusPlus, I perused a German PE forum last year for more information on the product. I started a thread and managed to have a somewhat successful conversation about the pump with a German who owned it. I think the owner of the forum also chipped in with his opinion on the pump.

Vitallus Plus Help [ENGLISH] | - Penisvergrößerung, Erektion, Sexualität - Forum und Wissensdatenbank

07/10/14 - 6.5" BPEL - 5.5" MsEG

29/01/15 - 7" BPEL - 5.5" MsEG

12/10/17 - 7.4" BPEL - 5.6" MsEG

So it’s only possible to be used with a power outlet?

Can’t use like at work?

Start 30/06/2016 - BPEL 13cm MSEG 11,50cm

Now - BPEL 16,20cm MSEG 12,00cm BPFSL 18,00cm BPELIT 18,00cm Clamped BPEL 17,50cm

DREAM! 19cm BPEL 17cm NBPEL 14cm MSEG

how flexible is this tube, and how much pressure can it take?

does it really collapse under 5 hg?


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