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Water boiling temperatures under hg vacuum


The only part of the cylinder in vacuum is the portion outside the penis - space between the shaft and walls of the cylinder if any. If you use a water based lubricant it will dry off very quickly when exposed to full vacuum.

I start with a water base to moisturise the skin then change to petroleum jelly because it does not boil off under the vacuum.

When the vacuum is pulled the pressure within your body remains at atmospheric pressure. The pressure can reach a maximum of 14.7psi at sea level. Under full vacuum that is the pressure applied to the inside of the penis until the shaft is hard against the side of the cylinder and the head is against the end of the cylinder. If the shaft is not against the cylinder then there is large hoop stress on the shaft increasing the girth. Likewise if the head is not against the end there is high stress on the glans and the ligament.

There is no particularly magic about a pressure of 14.7psi. It is less than three times 5psi. I can stop water flow in a 1/2” hose with my thumb. With the water pressure at 50psi. My thumb does not explode. Standing on the heal of one foot I expose that portion in contact with the floor to about 40psi. On the other hand I would not put a vacuum cleaner nozzle near my eyeball or ear drum because even that level of pressure below atmospheric (about 3psi) could do a lot of damage to those sensitive organs.

Most industrial air compressors operate at 90psi. If that pressure gets under the skin in some way it can do tremendous damage to tissue. Putting an air hose in your mouth and opening the valve will cause you to explode.

Heating of the penis would indicate increased blood circulation. Under full vacuum the circulation is very poor and the tissue cools down. Cycling the pressure - say 5 seconds to full vacuum and release to almost no vacuum over about 2 seconds - increases the blood circulation due to the expansion and contraction of the tissue and this will cause the shaft temperature to rise.

When I refer to full vacuum it is in excess of 14psi. Completely evacuating a gas chamber requires a long time and good pump. So in terms of vacuum there is a large difference in the amount of effort to extract the very last molecules of air to get from 14psi to 14.7psi but in terms of the stretch it is only 5% difference. 95% of the stress is achieved at 14psi, which is easily achieved with a single stage industrial pump.

Good info, since you seem to know a bit about this what difference does it make if you fill your tube with water and pump that out ?

Originally Posted by capernicus1
Good info, since you seem to know a bit about this what difference does it make if you fill your tube with water and pump that out ?

You would not want to use water with an industrial vacuum pump.

A very important aspect of what I do is to have total and instantaneous control of the pressure. This is simply achieved by drilling a 1/8” hole in the cylinder that I place my thumb over. This means as soon as the hole is closed the pressure begins to build. If the tube does not seat well against the pelvic bone or the tube is too big and/or not seated against the pelvis resulting in a testicle being pushed into the cylinder then it is very easy to release pressure. I would not expose my testis to full vacuum.

When I start out I stretch the shaft and place in the tube in a flaccid state. I slowly increase the peak pressure but still by cycling until the shaft fills and I am semi-erect. The cycling pressure produces the sensation of masturbating so there is a response to that as well as the blood being forced into the shaft under pressure.

The hole provides a fail safe that is much more readily activated than the release valve supplied with a typical cylinder tube. The hole does create a weak point in an acrylic tube so don’t drop it because it could get hairline cracks radiating from the hole and leak air. I have also used PVC tubes but it is preferable to have a clear tube with graduations so you can assess the stretch.

If anyone tries this they need to start with a cylinder that is not much larger in diameter than the erect shaft. Also there needs to be extra padding at the base of the tube to distribute the reaction force over the pelvic bone.

The blood circulation stops at quite low pressure so cycling the pressure ensures there is still circulation albeit intermittent. It also reduces the rate of fluid retention. Doing beyond about 30 minutes a day is not going to do much for girth because the fluid builds under the skin and it is pressed against the tube wall. This increases the friction down the tube so the stretch is reduced.

Like any PE it takes a while to condition the penis to the extra stress but I have found cycling to full vacuum less traumatic than any full-on manual manipulation or sustained low pressure pumping.

30 minutes as a whole or are you counting only the total of seconds under vacuum? Can you make a rough calc of how much total time you are under max vacuum per session?

Last edited by marinera : 04-29-2013 at .

Sounds like a good movie title for the “Hannibal” series, “the man who boiled his penis.”

Take anything and everything that DutyQuest has posted with a large grain of salt.

Originally Posted by marinera
30 minutes as a whole or are you counting only the total of seconds under vacuum? Can you make a rough calc of how much total time you are under vacuum per session?

You cannot directly equate cycling to constant pressure.

When I am fully expanded there is very little spare space in the cylinder. It is evacuated in about 2 seconds. These days I do not hold the vacuum for more than about 10 seconds in a cycle and often no more than 5 seconds. I tend to increase the on time toward the end of a session. While at full vacuum I do small motion of the outer end of the tube to increase the ligament stretch using leverage against the pelvic bone. Each cycle the penis is stretched a little further. I release momentarily - maybe 2 seconds although it varies. I lube and shake out 3 or 4 times a session. Over each session the stretch at full vacuum increases by about 1/2” during the 30 minutes and that takes hundreds of cycles. If I do this routine 4 days a week I get a permament gain of 1/4” every two months.

I have held full vacuum for more than 5 minutes at once but that is a long time to have no circulation. If the glans gets cold then you know you are stopping blood circulation.

It is not possible to do what I do with a hand pump even it had the ability to pull near a full vacuum. You would get stronger pump hand but not much impact on penis.

I do get fluid retention but I select the cylinder size so it is not large enough to allow a doughnut - fourth cylinder now with approximately 1/4” larger in diameter between successive cylinders. My shaft is darker than it was before I started PE but no different to manual stretching and squeezing. I have pubic hair up the shaft now basically equivalent to the gain in length. I trim but do not shave because there is less irritation particularly from the pressure around the base of the tube. In hot weather my scrotum hangs about 6” down, almost the same as my flaccid penis.

I’m not equating time at constant pressure to time at cycling pressure, I’d like just to know for how much time in total your penis is held aunder 14.71 psi, sorry if I was unclear; a rough measurement, say 5 minutes? 10 minutes? Thanks.

Originally Posted by marinera
I’m not equating time at constant pressure to time at cycling pressure, I’d like just to know for how much time in total your penis is held aunder 14.71 psi, sorry if I was unclear; a rough measurement, say 5 minutes? 10 minutes? Thanks.

The full pressure totals around half the time of a session. Probably more than is sustainable without some adverse affect if applied continuously on a daily basis. Even after 5 minutes at full pressure the glans is cool and loses color.

Any fluid build up goes overnight.

My testosterone cycle of 6 to 7 days seems to be more pronounced since I started this pumping routine. If I do not ejaculate at least once a week I have disruptive sleep due to very hard erections waking me up 3 or so times a night. It is more than just the increased penis size as it was not noticeable when I was using manual PE methods. If I ejaculate within 4 or 5 days I sleep normally.

Thanks, very informative.


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