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Wearing ADS weights after pumping sessions

Wearing ADS weights after pumping sessions

I’ve been pumping for a little while now. Basically felt the need to get into some girth work after my lengthening routine (lots of heated up stretching work-30 min. daily followed by ADS with golf weights) started to get results but wound up “skinny-ing” my dick up a bit.

I’m a pumping devotee now.

Anyway, I’ve basically moved my pumping routine into a slot right after my stretching and then do 2 10 minute sets at 5Hg. I then do heated wet jelqs in the shower between sets and during my warm-down afterwards. I’m getting killer expansion 7.25 bpel and packing the bottom 3” of my 2x10 tube during my pumping sessions. Afterwards, I powder up and slide on 5 heated up golf swing weights.

Now here’s the deal, a couple/few hours later when I take off my wrap to piss or re-wrap, I’m noticing that the “ringed lymph buildup” which seems to always accompany ADS with weights is markedly more pronounced now that I’m going into the weights much more swollen up with lymph. Also, since I’m going into them fatter, I’m kind of “packing” the golf swing weights now- that is, I am so fat after pumping that the rings are now snug on my dick whereas my dick used to be more of a perfect fit (just barely touching) the sides of the weights.

Question: Is this a bad thing? Does the fact that I’m “packing” inside of the weights mean that I’m just pushing back all of the expansion that I got while pumping? Seems possible, but then when I take the weights off I still seem to bound back to a girthier /post-pump appearance.

Any thoughts? Is it bad to “pack” your ADS weights? Anyone ever confronted this before? I’ve been thinking about getting a set of Monty’s larger weights for girthier guys to facilitate unconstrained, weighted ADS after pump sessions.

Thanks in advance for your input.

I’m not sure how these weights attach, but you could always do some wrapping beforehand. One of the vets used ace bandage wrap right below the head, I think. It really prevents any donut from forming in the front or back.

I’ve had similar problems when using a post pump cock ring. I end up getting lots of lymph build up. My thing has been to maintain an erection for 20-30 minutes after the session and then take a warm shower. You could use a rick sock.

I think that it’s important to keep it at an extended size for at least 30 min. To encourage growth. I guess it’s equivalent to cementing. Perhaps you could work your way up to a longer time with the weights over a month or two.

In the end, I don’t think it’s bad to have a little lymph build up, because I’ve definitely achieved gains despite it, but if your pumping gets out of hand with pressure and extended tube times, then you’re not really coaxing growth. I think the more lymph that’s happening, the less the tissues and the tunica are being stressed. It’s a fine line between just enough and going too far.

Just keep checking for positive PI’s and you should be on the right track.

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