Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What pump to buy

Buy this one.

Go to Harbor Freight Tools | Quality Tools, Lowest Prices and search for "brake bleeding kit." the pump there is identical to many on the other sites, but is only about $25. I have one and it’s great.


Originally Posted by dmille1996
Go to Harbor Freight Tools | Quality Tools, Lowest Prices and search for "brake bleeding kit." the pump there is identical to many on the other sites, but is only about $25.


…or you could look at the post IMMEDIATELY BEFORE YOURS and see that not only did I include the link to Harbor Freight, I linked RIGHT TO the pump in question. Actually, I posted it TWICE already in this thread: posts 8 and 15, and with more accurate information. At this writing, it’s still under $17 plus shipping and handling.

Did you bother reading this thread before you posted with redundant and less helpful information?

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by Lampwick
Nothing wrong with either of those choices, as long as you don’t mind paying more than you have to. The LAPump you cite for $60 plus shipping and handling is the same as the Harbor Freight pump Harbor Freight Tools – Quality Tools at Discount Prices Since 1977 for $17 plus shipping and handling. The LAPump DOES include the male adapter that you need; if you buy the Harbor Freight pump, you need to buy the male adapter somewhere else such as McMaster-Carr; part number 5012K251. You still save money.

The VelSeal pump from Zoinkers for $109 may not be a bad deal, since it includes free shipping. Direct from PumpToys https://www.pum … rod/velseal.php , it’s $100 plus shipping and handling.

So, if I buy the LAPump and the Zoinkers/PumpToys cylinder, I don’t need any other equipment to be ready to pump?

I’d like to hear those who ordered such products outside the US (I live in Canada). Was it anonymous? I wouldn’t want to receive a package and a customs fee from LAPump or Zoinkers where it is written that I order a penis pump.. It would be embarrassing to say the least.

Thanks a bunch,


Instead of making multiple shipments, I would think it would be easier to just order the deluxe package from lapdist and be done with it. Their packaging is discreet. Make sure you check out the Cylinder Sizing thread so you order the correct size for yourself.

I want a cylinder that will go easy on my base and ligaments.

I received my pump last Thursday. I ordered a complete kit and a VelSeal Cylinder from . I have no link with this company, but I highly recommend it. The customer support was excellent (they even answered my questions on week-ends) and were very helpful and quick. I paid US191.14 and an additional 15 CAD for customs fees. Now, I just have to read everything there’s to read before I start. I want to do this by the book and not take unnecessary risks.

Other than the “Vacuum Pumping 101” thread, are there any thread I should read carefully before starting?

I finally tried it today. The Velseal not only was easy on my ligs, but it helped a lot with the seal. One question: is it really bad if I don’t clean completely the inside of the cylinder? Will the lube corrode the cylinder?

No lube used for sex/pumping will corrode the cylinder. It is possible that bacteria/funky stuff can grow in the cylinder if you don’t wash it though.

Generally I use a little soap and fill my cylinder about 1/2 - 3/4 of the way full with warm/hot water and shake the cylinder while blocking the openings for a bit than just rinse clean and dry.

Every week or two I use a modified bottle cleaner to wipe down the inside of my cylinder.


From what I understand of Pumptoys velseals, you better at least clean and dry your seal after every use and store it flat in a baggy. I don’t have their top of the line seal, but one model down from it and that is how I read to take care of it and so far it is still like new. In general, it is best to keep your equipment clean and dry after every use. You paid a lot for it and keeping it clean is not only good for the equipment, it is good for you.

Cleaning it seems more than fair, but I don’t live alone, so privacy is kind of an issue. Still, I can get around it with few tricks.

Pumping has been good for me, but I have a question regarding cylinder shapes. My phallus has an upside curved. The more it expands in the cylinder, the more uncomfortable I feel. I wanted to know if someone tried the tubes for bent penises and if they would advise them.


Originally Posted by Asics
After reading a bit, I am considering to buy the pump from LA Pumps | LA Pump (if anyone has something negative to say about this pump, pls tell me). However, I want a cylinder that is comfortable. What do you think about this one?

Now, if I understood correctly, all I need is: pump, cylinder and lube. Am I correct?

You can’t go wrong with the lapdist products. Their products are of excelent quality! I have their Deluxe Package SKU15 and I am extremely satisfied. They are quick in answering questions, so if you have any that have not been answered in any of these postings, send them to them.

Just make sure that you purchase a pump that has a pressure gage. Forget the others, since you will be a newbie at pumping and will not be able to gage pressure without one. Knowing the pressure is VERY IMPORTANT.

For the cylinder, the LAPdist sizing chart is very good. Don’t go hog wild and get one bigger than you actually need, or you will find that your balls will be sucked in and you will be pumping them along with your penis. :down:

Use a good water based lube and be liberal in it’s use. Don’t be stingy! It
is easier to clean water based lube out of the cylinder than an oil based one like Vaseline.

So, yes, all you need is a pump (with gage), cylinder, and lube. And, of course, your unit! :D

Good Luck and Good Pumping!

Started 4/9/07: Bpel 4.438 Eg 3.750 - Fl 3.750 Fg 3.500

Now 07/08/09: Bpel 5.625 Eg 5.875 Fl 4.625 Fg 5.813....Goal: Bpel 7.500 Eg 6.500 - Fl 5.500 Fg 6.000

"PE inorder to give more Happiness & Joy to yourself AND others!" Panos *** "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" Eleanor Roosevelt.


Well, I didn’t read far enough. If I had, I would have seen that you had already gotten your pump.

Still, I wish you Good Pumping!

Started 4/9/07: Bpel 4.438 Eg 3.750 - Fl 3.750 Fg 3.500

Now 07/08/09: Bpel 5.625 Eg 5.875 Fl 4.625 Fg 5.813....Goal: Bpel 7.500 Eg 6.500 - Fl 5.500 Fg 6.000

"PE inorder to give more Happiness & Joy to yourself AND others!" Panos *** "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" Eleanor Roosevelt.

I’ve been using a water-based pump. Bathmate. It’s not an air pump used in the water but a pump made to be used on the bathtub. There is a kind of plunger on the base. It worked out pretty good so far. No broken capilars, no fluid buildups and very comfortable sessions. I’m definitely not coming back to air pumps!


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