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Whats The Use For Pumping Rings? They Are Utterly Useless

Whats The Use For Pumping Rings? They Are Utterly Useless

I find them always to be slipping off the tube and gettibg sucked in with my junk every single time. Yes, i bought the right size. Without failure everytime they slip off the open end of the tube and if i want to put it back on, which would be pointless as i stated, i would have to wipe both my tube and ring clean of grease from the lubricant i used to enter the tube.

Some tubes are thin walled and do not have a flange. The rings keep the cylinder from digging in to the skin in this situation. I dont use them as they rip pretty easily and would have to be replacing them frequently.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

I believe we need to be more specific as to what rings we are discussing.
I have ED and I use rings (Osbon tension bands) to maintain a hard erection after pumping in order to have intercourse.

Perhaps you are referring to a comfort seal for the base of the cylinder.

Start 11/09 BPEL: 5.5", EG: 4.4"

Current. BPEL: 6:4", EG: 5.5"

Originally Posted by dtwarren1942
I believe we need to be more specific as to what rings we are discussing.
I have ED and I use rings (Osbon tension bands) to maintain a hard erection after pumping in order to have intercourse.

Perhaps you are referring to a comfort seal for the base of the cylinder.

Yes, the sleeves that cover the base of the tube when pumping

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